As if the current situation weren't dangerous enough as it is-- the "true believers" among the Dispensationalists in the Religious Right are desperate to bring about the war on Iran and
make sure that it reaches the point of a nuclear war. They're the ones obsessed with the Left Behind series of books and the Book of Revelations-- which, as my minister and Biblical scholar friend once nicely explained, was always a piece of hack writing never intended for mass consumption but geared to provide secret messages to resistance groups in the Levant then opposing the Roman Empire. This, of course, hasn't stopped nutcases in the US from reading into it the idea that the Book applies to the current maelstrom and that, to actually bring Armageddon about-- it's THEIR job to "move events along." at the numbers at that poll on the bottom (to the extent they can be believed, though similar polls from less biased sources have not been
that far off):
42% have embraced the idea that the current Middle East crisis is the Armageddon signal, and of those, a fair number are of the, how shall we say this, more "activist" set that wants to actively take steps to promote the Armageddon-like battle in the Middle East, i.e. to not only foment the Iran War but ensure it goes nuclear. IOW, not only does Bush's largest constituency have no qualms about expanding a bloody Iranian War to the point of nuclear first-use, they're actually
counting on it based on their own twisted interpretations which demand that the US "move things along" toward their perceived Armageddon battle. (My friend from Maine who sent these links to me was aghast, she said people up there were on the brink of seceding!)
Folks, we can't just shrug our shoulders (the way I admitted I used to do) and laugh at these people with their crazy beliefs. They may have crazy cultish beliefs, but the problem is that their beliefs are key impacts on US foreign policy even to the point of nuclear first-strike use, and since their fantasy about Armageddon isn't limited to them alone, they affect the rest of us in this nation too. As those warships from Norfolk steam to Iran, we have to confront this madness publicly.