watch it. The best of reasons is the one my husband often gives - that it's important to know what the enemy is up to. And that, I can understand. We DO need moles and spies and other stalwart souls willing to infiltrate the enemy camp to bring back good intel. Just as in any war. So those here who will do so, I'd applaud them - for that reason.
It also would be valuable if a few of us did - just to keep track of whether Pox is "honest" about running it completely and unedited. After all, we have the transcript in advance, so we'll know.
Others will tune in for the curiosity factor, though, and that is no good reason - IMHO.
Actually, I can't imagine why Pox would want to trumpet this. That's all they need, really, to see Clinton forcefully defending himself and deflecting Chris Wallace's pathetic attempts at sucker-punches. Wallace, is, of course, out there in advance, trying to frame the whole shameful affair in a favorable light for himself, so he doesn't look as though he'll have been had on a plate. After all, Clinton's not some tongue-tied, easily-intimidated wuss Democrat like they usually trot out to represent the "opposing view." Clinton is strong and gutsy on this, from the transcript I've read, and doesn't hesitate to make use of the "now WAIT JUST A FRICKIN' MINUTE HERE!" moment. I can see them wanting to make hay with some lightweight on the spot. But Clinton's no lightweight. And they risk offering free air time to someone who can clearly articulate the truth as it was witnessed first-hand and personally lived through - which can only weaken their own argument, at least with a few of their viewers. Most of their viewers are nicely preconditioned, I'm afraid, and are already predisposed toward not believing anything Clinton might say. But this will get through to a few of 'em, and make an impression. Perhaps among a very tiny subgroup of these few, it will be cumulative. But if I were Pox "news," I'd either edit the hell out of it, or not run it. I was going to say, here just now, that I might want to run just the part about the Global Initiative, but you'd figure if they have Clinton on and don't try to "gotcha" him on the bin Laden question, their viewers would scream like stuck pigs. They'd HAVE TO try to sucker-punch him. They would have been better off just not to let him on. Because they are NOT well-served when an extremely intelligent, informed, articulate, and genuinely compassionate liberal or Democrat, in command of the moment, is on. Not well-served at all. It puts the kibosh on everything they're trying to preach against us on Pox "news." And they don't need that in their efforts to "kind of catapult the propaganda" of their choosing. If I were the executive in charge, I might have decided just not to run the damn thing.
Good for Big Dog! Maybe some of the other Dems will take a lesson...