Gorenfeld has put some video clips together including that rather famous quote where Bush 41 calls Sun Myung Moon "the man with the vision." If you know anyone who has doubted that quote, show them the clip in Gorenfeld's talk2Action post.
Also the video shows Pat Boone serenading Moon and his wife, plus Gary Bauer, Beverly LaHaye and Ralph Reed at Moon's conference which celebrated the Unification Church changing the name of their organization to the "Family Federation For World Peace and Unification" (FFWPU) - still the Unification Church just a name change.
See Video in the post here:
http://www.talk2action.org/story/2006/9/23/01913/3060Bush helps Moon open propaganda paper in Argentina - calls Moon "the man with the vision."
Gerald Ford and George H. W. Bush sell the name, prestige and honor of the Presidency of the United States to Moon:
Bonus post:
In last week's Talk2Action post, Gorenfeld calls on David Brooks to run a correction to his NYT article in which Brooks mocks Kevin Phillips for saying the Bushes and Moon hang together.
See photos and story - Bush and Moon family Album
http://www.talk2action.org/story/2006/9/14/22322/6980JG's post includes a photo of Bush 43 and Laura posing with Chung Hwan Kwak.
Kwak has a top position in just about every Moon front group and I expect he will continue to be the CEO of Moon's empire after Moon dies.
Moon's third son by the current marriage, Hyun Jin, will be the likely heir to Moon's throne as he has been promoted up the ranks of a few key Moon fronts and a paper in Nepal reported that Moon and his wife had transferred "spiritual powers" to him. Hyun Jin is married to Chung Hwan Kwak's daughter.
Trivia: Hyun Jin and his wife are the ones who actually placed the crowns on Moon and his wife's heads at the Dirksen Building coronation in March of 2004. Danny Davis and Roscoe Bartlett only carried Mrs. Moon's robes and crowns.
The picture of Kwak with George and Laura in Gorenfled's post was taken from a Korean news broadcast which showed Kwak being interviewed while standing in front of a wall containing a single framed hanging picture of Kwak standing between the Bushes and the Cheneys. The photo in Gorenfeld's post is the left side of that picture as his post is about the Moon organization and the Bushes.
here are other pictures taken from the Korean newscast in which the Kwak was showing off his connections to the US government - see the close up of W and Laura with Kwak at Gorefeld's post.
Not sure, but I am guessing this photo was the result of Moon's long ties to the Bush family and Moon's $250,000 donation to the Bush Cheney inaugural:
Gorenfeld's post has a photo of Neil Bush posing on stage with Moon promoting Moon's Universal Peace Federation.(UPF) The UPF is Moon's personal theocratic United Nations which he created when he realized the UN was not biting fast enough on his plan to theocratize that organization. He is using the UPF to gather nations into his web and cajole the current UN into accepting an increased "religious" influence.
Sorry to say, but you will become familiar with the UPF sooner or later.
Here is a photo of Neil dining with Moon during the tour. To Neil's right is Jose DeVenecia who is the Speaker of the House of the Philippines and is who pushes proposals to theocratize the United Nations on Moon's behalf. To Neil's left is Doug Joo, head of the Washington Times. Moon and his wife have their backs to the camera.
http://www.cellwhitman.blogspot.com/By the mid-1980s, Moon’s Unification Church had carved out a niche as an acceptable part of the American right. In one speech to his followers, Moon boasted that “without knowing it, even President Reagan is being guided by Father (Moon). ”Yet, Moon also made clear that his longer-range goal was the destruction of the U.S. Constitution and America’s democratic form of government. “History will make the position of Reverend Moon clear, and his enemies, the American population and government will bow down to him.” Moon said, speaking of himself in the third person. “That is Father’s tactic, the natural subjugation of the American government and population.”(Robert Parry http://www.consortiumnews.com/archive/moon3.html )