GOP + WOT = WTF? By Nancy Greggs
While I realize that not every single person in the country is Mensa material, you’d think that good old common sense would rear its head on occasion. But apparently that’s not the case with those still supporting Bush and his agenda – which, I suspect, is a lot smaller group than the MSM would have us believe.
Honest to God, if there actually were that many incredibly stupid people among us, the wheels would have fallen off this country long before now.
It’s hard to choose a favorite, but of all the GOP phrases that get trotted out on a regular basis, I’ve got to go with: “Winning the War on Terror”.
Of course, no one ever asks the obvious question: Exactly how will this war be WON? When do we declare V-WOT day? Will there be a parade?
Needless to say, the BSers (that stands for Bush Supporters as opposed to what they are willing to swallow) seem to believe this is an achievable goal, despite all facts to the contrary. Kill one alleged terrorist, you’ve just created a dozen more. Kill one innocent civilian in Iraq or Afghanistan, and you’ve now successfully recruited their family members, neighbors, co-workers, and friends into the ever-growing anti-American fan club.
And yet the BSers don’t have the intellect to reason that one out. Obviously they’re all waiting for that photo on the front page of their local paper, a US Marine standing beside a man’s corpse, accompanied by the headline: “LAST TERRORIST IN THE ENTIRE WORLD FINALLY DEAD!!!”
But when you look at the other crap the BSers have adopted as gospel truth, you truly understand how stupid people can be.
The most glaring example in recent time was the so-called ‘foiled’ plot to blow up airliners en route from the UK to the States, unquestionably the most ridiculous story to hit the media since the image of Jesus miraculously appeared in a grilled cheese sandwich.
You see, these BSers actually believe that a dozen or so Middle Eastern men were about to book last-minute tickets on international flights, in the height of tourist season, all departing at roughly the same time on the same day, armed with explosive chemicals and without passports.
But this kind of stupidity has run rampant among the BSers from day one of the Bush regime, and their suspension of belief knows no bounds.
They honestly still believe that lil’ Georgie is going to get Bin Laden, going to ‘hunt him down, smoke him out, captured dead or alive’ – yes, the same Georgie who still can’t find the Plame leaker in his own administration.
For my money, the most laughable concept adhered to by these true believers is the idea that their fearless leader is keeping them safe from terrorists who hate us for our freedoms. It never occurs to them that taking away our freedoms – via the Patriot Act, wire-tapping, spying on citizens, etc. – would seem contrary to that entire concept. If Bush told them that burning down their own houses is the only way to keep them safe from burglars, they’d be lined up at Wal*Mart right now, buying matches and gasoline.
The Republicans are still chanting their tiresome little mantra about their tough stance on national security, and their ability to stand up to our nation’s enemies. I guess the BSers don’t notice that those same tough-as-nails Republicans can’t even stand up to their own president, no less a horde of evil-doers bent on the country’s destruction.
But this rhetoric is lapped up by the more intellectually-challenged among us, despite the fact that on this issue, the GOP have gone beyond beating a dead horse and are now attempting to milk a dead cow.
No one could deny that among the BSers, the Fundamentalist Christians are the most gullible. They hear Bush talk about amending the Constitution to prohibit gay marriage – and that’s pretty much ALL they hear. They haven’t noticed that after six years in office, that amendment has yet to materialize. Maybe that’s why they’re all praying for the Rapture, so once they’re all in heaven, they can discuss the fact that he would have done what he’d promised if only the good Lord’s scheduling of the End Times hadn’t inconveniently intervened.
The Fundies have no problem with the fact that their born-again president has broken every Thou-Shalt-Not on the Top Ten list; as long as he’s talking the talk, walking the walk shouldn’t be too closely scrutinized.
No, you just can’t input any logical data into the BSer brain. They’re like computers, and their tubes have been clogged for years. The most you can expect from a download is a bunch of Limbaugh talking points, and if you ask them to explain how any of that crap makes sense, all systems go into failure mode faster than Rumsfeld can come up with yet another reason (subject to change without notice) for being in Iraq.
These sheeple are unwavering in their belief that their president and his administration are the smartest guys in the room, even though none of them anticipated that planes could be used as missiles, or that there’d be an insurgency in Iraq. As for the fact that if the levees broke in a hurricane, water might actually find its way into New Orleans – come on, people, who could possibly have seen that coming?
And now we have a president who still garners the worship of his do-gooder, Jesus-loving, Bible-thumpin’ constituents when he says provisions prohibiting torture are murky and vague, and need to be reassessed or completely done way with. Of course, it never occurs to the BSers that if we were going to dispense with every document the Idiot-in-Chief doesn’t understand, all we’d be left with is The Pet Goat and a handful of Henry cartoons.
It never crosses the mind of a BSer that instead of re-interpreting traditional guidelines (which, by the way, failed to baffle every other administration), maybe it makes more sense to just get a smarter president.
And we all know who the BSers are. They’re the Keyboard Warriors who still live in Mom’s basement, screaming (IN CAPS) about how everybody else should be joining up and fighting the evil menace in the Middle East. They’re the ‘few good men’ who listen to O’Reilly every day, waiting for the signal to take up arms and join the Culture Warrior the minute he decides to lead them to victory in Iraq. They’re the religious zealots who never make the connection between filling the collection plate with money they can’t afford and Falwell’s multi-million dollar lifestyle.
More than ever, I’m confident that the Democrats will prevail in the upcoming elections, because people want their country back-on-track; they want what they once had that’s been stolen out from under them by the Republicans and their policies.
As for the BSers, while I don’t ignore their potential impact in November, I take comfort in the fact that most of them are just too damned stupid to find their way to the polls.