---- News reports tell us that the war on Iraq has exacerbated terrorism,... not quelled it. Generals confirm this, noting that the war has made terrorist "recruiting" just that much easier. More and more arabs and muslims are being pushed to the point of being willing to violently oppose US intrusion into their affairs.
---- The torture debate figures into this pattern of events, as well. The Abu Ghraib revelations no doubt spawned a whole new category of anti-US sentiment and loathing,... and the fact that Bush is pushing for greater lattitude in torturing and in violating the Geneva Convention,.... well, that just adds further "motivation" to the citizens of the mideast.
---- Now consider this: If there were no threat of terrorist attack on the US, there would be no Bush regime, eh? It is in the Bush cabal's continued interest to keep the "terrorist threat" at as high a degree as possible. And everything they are doing would appear to be calculated to accomplish exactly that. Without terrorists, the PNAC junta dissolves,.... so they do their damndedest to "manufacture" terrorists. Isn't that about right?