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Media Matters: Bill O'Reilly's enemies list, available in hardback for $26

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meegbear Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-25-06 11:20 AM
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Media Matters: Bill O'Reilly's enemies list, available in hardback for $26
"My goal," Bill O'Reilly writes in the introduction to his latest book, Culture Warrior, which is published by Random House's Broadway Books imprint and will go on sale September 25, "is to expose and defeat people who have the power to do you great harm. My weapons will be facts and superior analysis based on those facts" (Page 5).

But if "facts" and "superior analysis" are what readers are after, they may want to look elsewhere. Media Matters for America's review of Culture Warrior shows the book to be replete with factual errors, rank hypocrisy, and ad hominem attacks directed at anyone who has crossed swords with O'Reilly.

O'Reilly recently claimed to have thwarted an attempt by Media Matters to review Culture Warrior prior to its release. On the September 21 edition of Fox News' The O'Reilly Factor, he noted that his publisher had refused a request to provide an advance copy to "a guy who writes for the left-wing smear site Media Matters." "Nice try," O'Reilly said, "no book." Nice try, Mr. O'Reilly.

The book purports to "expose the secular-progressive movement in our country for exactly what it is, to explain why it is so harmful for America, and to identify the movement's top leaders" (Page 7). What qualifies someone as a member of the secular-progressive (or "S-P" in his book) conspiracy? It may be an obscure professor who said something O'Reilly considers unpatriotic or a judge who gave an offender a light sentence. While O'Reilly claims to be an independent who stands apart from the conservative movement, conservatives are almost never the target of his ire. In addition to liberals and Democrats, he lashes out at numerous news organizations and journalists such as Tom Brokaw and Walter Cronkite. In other cases, all it takes is that someone criticized O'Reilly, which places people like actor/director George Clooney and Newsday columnist Jimmy Breslin on the side of the sinister "S-Ps".


This is a lenghty article, but it goes a great length into covering the book. Well worth the read.
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Initech Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-25-06 11:23 AM
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1. How come we cant expose Bill O'Reilly for what he is?
A tabloid journalist. He should belong on the E! network, not on a news channel. He's a fat, stupid, arrogant asshole.
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Vexatious Ape Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-25-06 11:31 AM
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2. But think about what
an honor it would be to make Bill's enemies list. It would make my head swim.
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boobooday Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-25-06 11:32 AM
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3. Okay, I almost wet myself after the first paragraph

"My weapons will be facts and superior analysis based on those facts" (Page 5)."

In other words, he's unarmed.
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Bonhomme Richard Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-25-06 11:41 AM
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4. What a tool. n/t
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chat_noir Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-25-06 12:16 PM
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5. ad on Amazon...hahaha
Get Bill O'reilly's Book Free
Get a free copy of Bill O'reilly's book "Culture Warrior" - plus huge savings on all of your favorite writers - from the Conservative Book Club.
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Historic NY Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-25-06 12:36 PM
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6. How did he fit in all those phone book enemies...............
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