is more useful alive, and specifically alive, wily, and evasive. He can be trotted out conveniently whenever new scare-mongering is needed. And you don't even think for one minute that any of this is planned, or that Osama is "on ice" somewhere (a truly stupid notion, by the way). All that's necessary is to do overt saber-rattling when needed, not try all that hard to capture him, and place blame on Clinton for not doing the job a decade ago and Bingo! You've got exactly what you need, if you're the administration and want to bamboozle people into thinking you're aggressively fighting the War on Terra and it's not YOUR fault you can't find Osama.
Quite frankly, I've long doubted all the claims about how wonderful our technology and how fabulous or spy satellites are supposed to be. Yeah, I know all of that's top top top secret highly classified you could tell me but then you'd have to kill me but I sincerely think that there's always been a lot of exaggeration about how good this stuff is. But that's just me.
When I was in my first job, at age 17, I was astonished to discover that a lot of adults really weren't very competent at what they did. I'm no longer so astonished, but rather dismayed to discover that's still true.