---- I notice that lots of folks are speculating about whether or not Bill Clinton was acting spontaneously, or with a plan,.. when he turned suddenly on Chris Wallace AND on Fox News, and fried the little RW snot's ears with a dose of reality. I think it was both,.. but mostly with a plan. ABC,..Disney,..Fox,..... Clinton is smarter than most, and he granted the interview. He knew what was coming, and he was ready.
---- Yeah,... that was cool,... but talk about "timing," eh? Clinton's one-sided drubbing of Wallace coincided with the release of the 16-agency NIE report purporting that mideast terrorism was more of a growing threat NOW, than when Bush confronted it five years ago,.. And right on cue, the assemblage of retired generals hits the airwaves with their ringing (and highly detailed) denunciation of the Rumsfeld military, the war plan, and the original segueway into Iraq. And those generals didn't pull any punches, either, eh? (Truth be told, the worry here is that the administration will simply dump Rumsfeld and "appear" to be doing the right thing.)
---- Wes Clark was paying attention, huh? "Dereliction of duty," was practically the next phrase to be heard on his "campaign" speaking tour. But are the rest of the democrats paying attention? Frankly, this is where the republicans normally beat the democrats. A little good news and positive press,.... and the democrats go into their sanctimonious and disconnected end-zone dance. The republicans go do their homework.
---- The expression, "dereliction of duty," has been heard at least twice in the last two weeks,... once from Pat Buchanan, and once from Paul Craig Roberts,.. conservative icons ranging from the barbarous to the genteel. But democrats have to make sure these comments stay in the mix. Richard Clarke's book, too. The many intelligence community whistle-blowers who have stepped up at some point,.... all their statements need to be revisited and reviewed. The total "case" against the Bush administration's run-up to war on Iraq is rapidly becoming a sizable volumn of inter-related chapters spanning the last five years. Somebody needs to keep that body of information together,.. rather than assume this whole deal is going to revolve around party politics of the moment. It isn't.
---- If "feeding frenzy" time has truly come 'round for the Bush White House, then it will be (A) due to the overwhelming preponderance of evidence which has gradually made its way to the surface over the years, and (B) after a concerted effort to weave all this information together and connect the dots,... finally,... and produce a sound and legalistic case against the administration. It will not happen as the result of opportunistic rhetoric or party posturing by democrats,.. and it is unlikely to be helped along by a dozen different democrats making their self-servingly disparate observations on the issue. "Dereliction of duty" has a nice ring to it. Shall we just go with that?