Thank you for your service! :patriot:
Considering how prescient Wes Clark has been about all that has come about, his wisdom would well serve this country....in particular, in these times.
He impresses me as an American who would lead us from the front....knows exactly where the PNAC bodies are located, and could reverse this hell of a path we are currently on.
Bush said it, didn't he? he's leaving Iraq and most likely all of our other brewing problem (many of his making) to the next President. It would be a wise thing for Democrats to do; to actually nominate someone who could get the job done.
But for now, Clark's Lasebeam focus is on 2006 so that we can win back a house......mostly in order to avert a possible strike on Iran and all of the other nightmares that Bush has in store for us.
http://www.dailykos.com/story/2006/9/26/125738/074Wes Clark's singleness of purpose till November has him concentrating on what we need; not what he needs to increase his name recognition. Instead of running up to the press cameras where high visibility races are happening (like in Virginia and Connecticut--although his letter asking Lieberman to get out of the race was superb.....as was his personal encouragement of Webb to run in the Virginia Senate race/Clark endorsed Webb during the primaries and got his Clarkies out into the streets for Webb--not to mention that great commercial by VoteVet.org against Allen and Santorum; VoteVet.org, a group in which Clark is involved prominently). We are blessed that it isn't Wes' aim to appear in high visibility venues in order to raise his own personal profile.
But Clark is out there, as a frontline soldier, fighting the small battles so that we Dems can win the war; hence he was in KY yesterday,(the GOP were forced to send MCain on his tail....guess that he is what they consider his GOP equal!
http://www.courier-journal.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20060926/NEWS0106/609260391 ), is in Texas today; and will be in Arizona shortly standing next to those candidates that need a boost in order to win their seats to congress.
Because, in the end, the brutal truth is that without regaining power in one of our houses, we won't be able to stop Bush for another 2 years. That would be a tragic event......simply tragic! We can't let that happen!