Democrats, who have seemed impotent and vulnerable over the last, oh, I don't know, 6 years or so, have finally discovered some missing political acuman, in the form of Bill and Hillary Clinton.
I personally thought the dems would attempt to cruise into November without a message, scurrying to and fro with every Republican accusation, but for the time being -- and a very important time it is -- they are controlling the message.
I laughed out loud during the FOX interview with Clinton. He knew exactly what he was doing. I'm sure he had rehearsed it in front of the mirror.
And the media, including FOX, is gullible enough to discuss the "side effect" of reigniting (or primarily igniting) the "Who is responsible for 9/11" debate.
Who can you trust on terror?
Couple that with this newly released report, and you HAVE TO UNDERSTAND that this entire thing was orchestrated weeks ago. Pieces don't just fall into place this organically, within a 3-day period.
Rove is attempting to hit back by releasing parts of this report, which really doesn't help them if you actually READ it, but it gives them the talking point of "We declassified it to show the truth", not mentioning that the actual Truth doesn't help them.
Very desperate move, but a necessary one. Had they not released this report, we'd be talking about it for another 6 weeks. Maybe this way, we'll only be talking about it for 3.
The funniest thing I've heard in a LONG time is this George Allen "Deer Hunter" story.
I mean, for gods sakes. You can't make this stuff up.
Oh my, what a wonderful week in politics.