I haven't given for awhile, but felt I just had to at this point in time. CNN had a segment on the huge (as usual) financial advantage of the RNC. Miles O'Brien told viewers to expect a massive blizzard of negative ads from the Rethugs (paraphrasing :D). O'Brien actually admitted that Dems have a significant advantage in terms of voter preference, but this could be overcome by the RNC's big bucks. Then Schumer came on saying that yeah Pugs have a financial advantage. He doesn't know how this will translate in November, but hopes it won't be enough to overcome our lead.
Begala and Carver followed talking about their new book. They were both very supportive of Clinton's taking on FAUX, and came right out and said the media is biased in favor of Pukes. Clearly the Dem leaders are starting to model a new aggressive approach to combat the lies and spin spewing from Pukes and their whores. I like what I'm seeing and hearing from them. Yeah, it's about time. But better late than never.
Bottom line is that we've got the momentum, but not enough money. I'm not going to sit back and let the scum smear our candidates without fighting in my own little way. That includes on the ground activism, plus as much financial help as I can manage.
If the truth about these criminals is fully revealed, the Rethug house of cards is bound to fall. I gave it a little tap. Feels good.