Edited on Wed Sep-27-06 04:23 PM by WCGreen
powers and exemptions from the Constitution in his personal vendetta against the "terrorists" is plain and simple;
He is not confident in the case that he has against these "terrorists" and is terrified that if they are tried in the very same American Court of law that existed when Clinton's Justice Department successfully prosecuted and jailed those behind the first World Trade Center Bombing his DOJ will be defeated...
It has to be either the above or he is simply not confident in the American Justice System that has served this great country well, for good or bad, as it developed over the last 200 or so years...
Either way, Bush, all his sophomoric bluster aside, is simply not comfortable with what is essentially the backbone of the American Way of life...
And if the president of the so-called "Greatest Country in the history of everything" is not comfortable with the way we go about our business, how can we expect the rest of the world to keep looking at us as projecting that beacon of liberty, opportunity and justice we have in the past...
Perhaps all of this is indicative of the upswing in terrorism across the globe and the growing sense of unease with everyone else in the world that we are a country foundering on our own unique set of principles that they are now looking at, all warts and scars considered, with a dying sense of hope...
Edited for tense problem...