It was yesterday. And I think it was Dobbs. Anyhoo, his issue was immigration, which is close to Lou's heart. They also showed some folks in a local diner and played some of their comments. Several people were quite dogmatic in their belief that illegal immigrants should be locked up and shipped back across the border. Period. End of story. The problem is...we can't afford to do that. You know that, I know that. There are millions and millions and millions of people here illegally. Colorado resources are pinched to the bone, U.S. Immigration's resources are, as well. These same folks, undoubtedly in my view, want to keep lowering taxes and shrinking government so they can drown it in a thimble.
O'Donnell is proposing get tough measures a la Tom Tancredo. The question needs to be asked, how do you propose to pay for that? The United States has, most especially, for the last ten years and more, allowed illegal immigration to reach these monumental proportions. Congress has sat by and done nothing except preach the mantra of lower and lower taxes. Now we have a mess and the country simply does not have the resources to round up all of these folks and ship them back. And a wall...it would be laughable, if it wasn't so tragically misguided.
Illegal immigration is a serious and growing problem, but the GOP has no answers, only pandering cross talk. And they helped make this problem.
I posted this in the Colorado forum, but at the rate that gets responses, it will die a slow and quiet death. I do think that it would be a good idea to try to counter some of this naive, one-dimensional thinking with a clear dose of reality. I am getting really tired of us being expected to clean up Republican messes. And, as for locking them up, as was reported in our local rag, The Gazette, the prisons are full because of all the knee jerk reactionary "get tough on crime" laws enacted by the pandering, don't be afraid we will lock up all the bad guys, Republicans. And now we need more prisons. For the love of God....I just can't stand this any more.