I've been calling likely voters (Democrats and Independents - Ned could care less about the Republicans)for several weeks now, trying to persuade them to vote for Ned Lamont over Joseph Lieberman. I've got a few interesting tidbits to share and one overriding concern/plea. Among the bullet points:
1. Getting out of the DU echo chamber has lead me to an important realization: most people, even those who vote in every election, are completely uninformed about the issues. They don't read even the local papers or watch much TV news;
2. Knowing the facts, and presenting them calmly but passionately, can change people's minds. During today's calls, I was able to talk coherently about the National Intelligence Estimate and the disastrous Medicare Part D plan, and I was able to move hardcore Lieberman supporters into the undecided category, and undecideds into the "Leaning Ned" category.
3. Cynicism is running rampant. I had several calls today in which the voter said, essentially, "they all lie. Lamont says he's for Universal health Care, but how do we know that when he gets there, he'll really support it?" What these callers were really saying was "We know Lieberman. We KNOW he's going to screw us. Why go with an unknown?" Again, being armed with the facts, and presenting them in a relatively non-combative way, helps.
And now, here is the overriding concern/plea: WE NEED YOU. Not necessarily for the Lamont/Lieberman race, but for your own local race. We need people who are well-informed on the issues, and can talk about them in a calm and coherent way. So I'm BEGGING here: PLEASE go out and make phone calls for your local Democrats. 1 phone call can make 1000X the difference that 1 DU post can make.