Edited on Sat Feb-07-04 12:37 AM by stickdog
1) Dean’s record uniquely positions him as the strongest candidate in the Democratic field. The worst failings of the Bush Administration are the Iraq disaster, the out-of-control budget deficits, the ever-worsening healthcare crisis and the historic loss of jobs. On all four of these points, Howard Dean has the record to prove he can deliver results and not just promises. Dean is strongest against Bush where Kerry is weakest:
Bush’s insane Iraq War Bush’s and Congress’ deficit spending Bush’s and Congress’ indefensible refusal to address America’s healthcare crisis The record-breaking millions of American jobs lost during Bush’s maladministration.
2) Dean’s personal integrity and the integrity of his campaign fund-raising represent a fundamental change from the way Washington insiders handle business today. The Democratic Party’s and other Democratic Candidates’ PACs spent over $150 Million in the first nine months of 2003 alone. This soft money was largely financed by the same corporate interests these candidates now assure us they’ll fight against. In contrast, Dean has broken all grassroots fund-raising records using $100 donations from regular Americans. Which candidate do you think will really stand up against special interests? With Howard Dean, we don't have to sacrifice integrity for electability.
3) You can trust Dean to do the right thing going forward because he stood up for what was right long before it was the thing to do. With gay rights. With Iraq. With the Bush's "popular" tax cuts for the rich. With the Medicare boondoggle. With universal healthcare for his state.
4) Dean's a fighter who has HEART. It's not anger -- it's the passion to fight for the underdog, to stop the Republicorporate attack on the middle class, to put the livelihood of Americans ahead of billionaires' portfolios and megacorporations' profit margins, to create new jobs by giving small American businesses a helping hand, to restore common sense and morality to our dealings with other countries and to stop the political scaremongering and actually DO something constructive and Constitutional to make America safer. It's the strength we're going to need to overcome the special interests and Republican roadblocks to universal healthcare, fair taxation, corporate reform, renewable energy and environmental protections. Finally, it's the passion we'll need to stand up to Bush's 200 million dollar political destruction machine and send the boy king home crying.
5) Dean tells us the truth. He isn't afraid to bluntly state that the emperor has no clothes. He's not afraid to tackle the "too hot" issues of 2000 election, the 9/11 commission stonewall, Iraq, the Patriot Act, the anthrax attack, the hugely irresponsible government growth under Bush, the ridiculous tax giveaways for the rich and even the regressive nature of FICA.
6) Dean doesn't make a bunch of promises he can't keep. He doesn't give everything away to special interests while increasing government spending and trying to bribe everyone with a few hundred dollars in tax cuts. He doesn't govern based on the whims of polls and pure, selfish political expediency. He governs responsibly, for today and for the future.
7) Dean's done it. He's won every election he's ever been in handily. He's brought affordable healthcare to Vermonters. He's reduced child abuse, protected the environment and created jobs all while balancing the budget every year.
8) Dean's already been vetted, and his supposed weaknesses are now all old news. Because Dean's clean, and despite everything they've thrown at him, the only thing they've gotten to stick is that he CARES TOO MUCH about his country.
"Anger" = "Passion"
"Can't Beat Bush" = "Can Legitimately Criticize All of Bush's Worst Failings"
Think another boring, corporate financed, media selected, business-as-usual elite DC insider is the best America can do? THINK AGAIN!