The herd of lackeys loitering in Congress should pack their bags and get back to golfing or hobnobbing full time for all the good they do or all the principles they exercise. They should be swept into a dustbin by every conscientious voter, no exceptions. Unless, of course, you want a continuation of the....OMG, I CAN`T BELIEVE SO-AND-SO VOTED FOR THAT....threads.
The majority in Congress seem to view oversight as some unseemly, drastic activity reserved for rabblerousers or members not well versed in the principles of their party`s superiority. Rocking the boat is a political crime now. If your heels don`t click, you`re a puny, punishable outcast. That`s why there are few surprises. It`s all settled beforehand, in backrooms where the prizes are awarded. Here. Have a bridge to nowhere. Here. Order a few more helicopters, even if they did crash during testing.
Oversight is a responsibility, not a choice. Unless that starts happening with predictable regularity, we might as well kiss the rest of it goodbye. Voters must start demanding our elected representatives do what is best for our country, instead of their party. We must get serious about consequences and end this look-the-other-way foolishness. Right now we have what we deserve, but we should force this oversight issue onto the public stage and keep it there.