If you are looking to accumulate all the damning information you can about the Bush Administration's failures after receiving the August 6, 2001 PDB (like me), then you should add this to your list.
This has been out there for awhile, but the Center for American Progress has compiled Bush's schedule in the weeks after receiving the PDB, based on public appearances and news accounts.
It's there after the flip.
JLFinch's diary :: ::
The Texas Try on Terrorism
President Bush's Vacation Schedule starting Aug.6, 2001 - the day of the PDB warning about an impending al Qaeda attack in the U.S.
Monday, August 6
4-mile run, built nature walk in canyon, fishing.<1>
Tuesday, August 7
3-mile run.<3>
Fishing, cookout with Mel Martinez.<4>
Wednesday, August 8
Habitat for Humanity, Waco, TX (injured finger).<5>
Worked out with weights.<6>
Thursday, August 9
Jogging, fishing, announced stem cell decision (9pm EST).<7>
Sunday, August 12
Church near Crawford.<8>
Monday, August 13
Golf, signed agriculture bill with audience of farmers.<9>
Tuesday, August 14, 2001
Thinned brush and raised money at a picnic in Colorado.<10>
Talked to children at YMCA camp in Colorado.<11>
Wednesday, August 15, 2001
Talked to children in Albuquerque, opened job-training center, addressed Chamber of
Commerce, attended fundraiser for Sen. Domenici, Colorado Rockies v. Atlanta Braves.<12>
Saturday, August 18, 2001
Radio address re: faith-based initiatives.<13>
Monday, August 20, 2001
Addressed VFW Convention, toured Harley-Davidson plant, Milwaukee.<14>
Work out, dinner with friends.<15>
Tuesday, August 21, 2001
Truman High School, Independence, MO re: taxes.<16>
Wednesday, August 22, 2001
Ran, lifted weights.<17>
Thursday, August 23, 2001
Golf, Crawford Elementary School, met with horticulturalist re: trees on ranch.<18>
Friday, August 24, 2001
Press conference re: economy (1st press conference of vacation).<19>
Saturday, August 25, 2001
Ranch tour for the press (80 minutes).<20>
Sunday, August 26, 2001
Steel Plant in Pennsylvania, barbeque.<21>
Little League World Series Championship (Japan v. Florida).<22>
Wednesday, August 29, 2001
Spoke at an American Legion Convention re: military budget, tax cut.<23>
Dedicated a restored grist mill, San Antonio.<24>
<1> It's Not All Play, Bush Tells Media, Contra Costa Times, August 8, 2001
<2> Ibid.
<3> Bush Vacation: Keeping the Peace, Beating the Heat, The Hotline, August 8, 2001
<4> Presidential Retreat; Bush spends some of his time off defending his time off, John C. Henry, The Houston Chronicle, August 8, 2001
<5> Bush Lends a Hand to Build Texas Home, Akron Beacon Journal (Ohio), August 9, 2001
<6> Bush's Stem Cell Decision, Los Angeles Times, Edwin Chen, August 10, 2001
<7> Bush OKs Limited Stem Cell Funding, Scott Lindlaw, Associated Press, August 9, 2001
<8> President Attends Church Near Ranch, Scott Lindlaw, Associated Press, August 12, 2001
<9> Bush Presses Arafat On Quelling Terror; Egypt Asks Greater U.S. Involvement, Dana Milbank, The Washington Post, August 14, 2001
<10> Bush visits Colorado, Trims Brush, Boosts Campaign Funds, Scott Lindlaw, Chattanooga Times Free Press, August 15, 2001
<11> Bush Emphasizes Teaching of Values to Children, Frank Bruni , The New York Times, August 15, 2001
<12> Bush courts Hispanics in N.M., Associated Press, Deseret News (Salt Lake City), August 15, 2001
<13> Bush Urges Pressure to Pass Faith-Based Plan, Los Angeles Times, August 19, 2001
<14> Bush Pushes Defense, School Funding, Sandra Sobeiraj, Associated Press, August 20, 2001
<15> President keeps low profile on first day in KC, Steve Kraske, The Kansas City Star, August 21, 2001
<16> President's Words Were Familiar, Steve Kraske, Kansas City Star, August 26, 2001
<17> Bush set to select new military chief, Jeff Zeleny, Chicago Tribune, August 23, 2001
<18> Young Minds Want to Know, Mr. Bush, Edwin Chen, Los Angeles Times, August 24, 2001
<19> Bush Sees Good In Bad Times, Says Economic Slowdown Has Benefits, The Arizona Republic, August 25, 2001
<20> Bush Gives Press Tour Of Ranch, The Bulletin's Frontrunner, August 27, 2001
<21> In Remarks To Union Workers, Bush Declares Steel Production A National Security Priority, The Bulletin's Frontrunner, August 27, 2001
<22> President Concerned Over Slow Economy, Chattanooga Times Free Press (Tennessee), August 27, 2001
<23> President Defends Tax-Cut Initiative, David Sanger, Chattanooga Times Free Press, August 30, 2001
<24> Bush Pitches Defense Spending Plan to Veterans, Robert W. Gee, Cox News Service, August 29, 2001
They forgot one thing: HEAD UP ASS.