We all had a dog in this habeas corpus fight today, but 51 of them came out looking a bit bloodied. Not those on the "losing" side as you might expect, but those in the "winners" circle. You know, the ones who sold their souls out for a case of cheap black hoods, a crash course in genital wiring or maybe even a couple of those electric drills that left marks on a few Iraqi skulls.
The 51 poodles will be twirling around Rove`s ankles come morning, proud that they did their tricks correctly and eager for that special treat. Good doggy. Very good doggy.
These are the tough ones, right? Wrong. These are the dogs that are so frightened of their own masters that they pee in their own beds at the first sign of Rove`s rolled-up newspaper. Pee in their own beds....make it smell....render it unfit for habitation....ruin the place....all because of a little whack.
These dogs need a new trainer.