The democrats rolled over for the Iraq War Resolution, and they rolled over for the Patriot Act, and then some of them acknowledged that they feared the backlash if they voted against it. But those issues had been carefully framed by the maladministration. This one hasn't: they're voting to torture people! One would think that it would be painfully clear that they can stand up against it and then go campaign against the Torture president and the Torture GOP! It's a golden opportunity: force the republicans into defensive posture, force them to spend the next six weeks denying that they want to torture people, denying that they've rendered innocent people to foreign countries to be tortured! Force them to deny it every day! It's so clear! And what do they fucking do? They roll over again! They've seen this movie before, and yet their reaction seems to be ingrained at this point: roll over, wag your tail and bark for doggy treats! Oh, please consider our amendment and we won't filibuster! The republicans are saying, "Damn! That was easy!"
People who are this afraid of appearing soft on national security are quite simply soft, period! And this notion that they have to play it safe until after the election? Puh-leeze! The only way to play it safe on torture and the evisceration of habeas corpus is to stand up against it and be proud! If they rationalize away their principles for the sake of a democratic majority, they will end up with neither principles nor a majority!
Goddamned fools! It's like watching Lucy pull the football away from Charlie Brown for the thousandth time! Will they never learn? Doesn't the word 'torture' sound bells in their heads? What the hell are they smoking up there on the Hill? On what fucking planet does voting for torture advance your fucking cause?!?!?