This will be faxed to both Senator's offices tomorrow morning.
Dear Senators:
You did not hear from me on Wednesday regarding the Bush administration's assault upon the Bill of Rights and our tradition as a country which upheld human rights and the rule of law. You did not hear from me because I believed that you would both do the right thing. As it turned out I was wrong.
I am more than disappointed. I am outraged. Do you actually think that by surrendering all principles that you will get people to vote for you? Do you actually think that people will find this unwillingness to stand up for our Constitution, which you are sworn to uphold, somehow attractive? Do you actually think that people will believe that you would stand up to Osama Bin Laden if you are quivering in your wing tipped shoes at the likes of Karl Rove?
Senator Lautenberg, as a decorated veteran who served this country honorably, how could you vote for something that will put our troops at risk but also further demean our country in the eyes of the world?
Senator Menendez, I have a daughter who is voting for the first time this year. I have been trying to make the argument that she should vote for you over the candidate of some third party because 1. You are someone who has voted right on the issues that she cares most about and 2. The Democrats are the only hope to stop the Neocon junta from destroying our country. With this vote you have taken away both of these arguments.
I believe, Senator Menendez, that you have sealed your fate with your reluctance to make a stand on principle. This has been a campaign that has revolved around character. Clearly you have revealed yours. I will still vote for you, hand firmly grasping nose, but there are many who will sit this out while you go vainly searching for the votes of those who will never, ever vote for a Democrat while disdaining the opinions of those who are your natural supporters.
We are living in dangerous times. We have an incompetent and dishonest administration who is relentless in its grasp for power and a Congress which has seemingly abandoned the principle of checks and balances. Both of you in the past have been exceptions and that is why this particular vote is so painful and disturbing.
Brooklyn Cowgirl