voting this fall. We have to oust this rigged electronic voting system before we can oust this Diebold Congress and its Diebold president. What we have now are two brethren Bushite corporations--Diebold and ES&S--"counting" all the votes with TRADE SECRET, PROPRIETARY programming code and virtually no audit/recount controls--by conspiracy of the biggest crooks in the Anthrax Congress, Tom Delay and Bob Ney (abetted by corporatist 'Democrats' like Christopher Dodd and Terry McAuliffe). This WAS the fascist coup--Oct. 29, 2002, when Bush signed the "Help America Vote Act"--a $3.9 billion boondoggle right into the pockets of major Bush/Cheney donors (Diebold) and rightwing fanatics (ES&S), through the fingers of corrupt or stupid election officials around the country.
If everyone who despises the Bush Junta (60% to 70% of the American people)--indeed, if everyone who opposes torture "under any circumstances" (63% of the American people--May '04)--decides to vote by Absentee Ballot this November, the reign of these diabolical machines will be OVER...such a revolt would end their power...and, with transparent, verifiable elections restored, we can begin to elect good representatives again, who truly represent this country and its people, and the will of the majority.
As to a legal remedy, the Supreme Court seemed to invite something like this from Congress. So I don't know if we could get it overturned that way. And I would prefer the people to overturn it, as is their right and duty. But first we have to remove the major obstacle to democracy--secret corporate vote tabulation. And we may have only a slim window of opportunity to do so. November may be it.
See my argumentation for MASSIVE ABSENTEE BALLOT VOTING this fall, "What do you expect from the Diebold Congress?", at the Machines--Vote by Absentee Ballot! Spread the word!