I remember once living in a place called America. It was a place where justice ruled, and every person had the right to a fair trial. They had the right to an attorney, they had the right to see any evidence that would be brought against them, and they would be tried by a jury of their peers.
I remember a place called America, it was a place in which the whole country was considered a free speech zone even if the President was in the neighborhood. It was a place where reporters were free to report corruption in the highest places of power, and would not be threatened with criminal prosecution for reporting on the criminal activities of the President.
I remember a place called America, it was a place in which everyone knew that when they cast a vote that vote would be counted. There were no voting machines that could not be audited, and electoral fraud was well guarded against. No President would ever take office as a result of stealing the election, because we had the strongest democracy in the world.
I remember a place called America, it was a place in which human rights were respected and no one would ever be tortured while they were held in detention. We had a Constitutional amendment barring cruel and unusual punishment, and we even signed a treaty promising to uphold basic human rights.
I remember a place called America, it was a place in which we could talk on the phone without worrying about the government monitoring our phone calls without a warrant. If the President ever tried to monitor the phone calls of tens of millions of people without warrant he would be impeached, because no man was above the law not even the President.
I don't live in America anymore, but I didn't move. America left me. Today I weep for my lost country.