Edited on Fri Sep-29-06 04:06 AM by krispos42
Dear Senator Coleman
I am writing to express my extreme disappointment with you and your Party regarding the human rights of so-called 'terror suspects'.
You are your Party are dimming every single day it seems the bright beacon of liberty, justice, hope, and freedom that my country used to be. Listed to what your Party is saying. They are saying that TORTURE IS OKAY!!!!!!!!
There aer some thinngs that should not be discussed, things like incest, , thnigs like man-boy love, and things like torture. This is because once you being trying to debate them, trying to exactly define where the line is between good and bad, you wind up putting the line someplace where nobody wants it to go. That is why you don't discuss it!
For example, when exactly does incest occur? 1st base? 2nd base? Is over-the-sweater action considered incest? How about mutual masterbation?
I hope that revulsion is now rising in your throat, because now you know how normal people feel about the torture debate. Is waterboarding torture? How about throbbing rock music? Shoving them in a walk-in refridgerator for a day? How about 24 hours in a sauna? How about just a few volts of electricity across the genitals? Is 6 volts torture? How about 9? 12?
This topic is even more disgusting than the incest debate because it is becoming OFFICIAL US GOVERNMENT POLICY.
Look, I support interrogation of suspects that are captured on the battlefield. There are very good ways to get information from suspects without torture, and we have plenty of well-trained psycologists and psychaitrists to turn the detainees over to our side. And these ways turn the people over to our side on a willing and long-term basis.
The 'ticking time bomb theory' hold abolutely no water. None. Not when a person is tortured for 10 months. Unless you really think that Al-Qaeda smuggled a nuclear bomb into Miami and set it to detonate next July.
No, if the people we are holding are part of long-term intelligence gathering, the 'good-guy' approach is best because peopole unter torture will say anything to get the pain to stop, and the information will thus be useless.
I suppose I can envision that there are times for torture under the 'ticking time bomb' theory that television fiction does so well, but it is my unerstanding that under the UCMJ there is already a provision for doing that legally.
Frankly, if an FBI agent was in the 'ticking time bomb' situation, where a NBCR device was due to detonate in a hour and a captured suspect was refusing to talk, then I would expect him to do what was necessary to force that suspect to talk. Shooting kneecaps, beatings, sodomizing with a plunger, perhaps.
Then, after the attack was foiled, I would fully expect and demand that the agent immediately turn in his/her badge and gun to his/her immediate supervisor and throw him/herself upon the mercy of the US Attorney's office. Most likely this agent would get a presidential pardon, or at least no charges filed by popular demand.
The fact that you and your Party are trying to make torture a routine part of detantion is absolutely disgusting. Will you be able to look into the eyes of a wife who's Army husband was not just killed in Iraq, but who was tortured to death first, and tell her it was worth it in order to get useless information from terror suspects? That the reason her soldier husband was put on a deli slicer and shaved to death was so that Marines in Cuba could electrify people that were turned over to the US by informants looking for bounty money?
I believe you and your Party simply want to torture suspects because you think it will scare terrorists. Well, you're wrong, you're just making more of them.
Shame on you and your Party.
And please don't bother with a written reply. I have heard enough lame excuses from the neoconservatives about it from O'Reailly and Bortz, and such to make me want to vomit
I wrote this before the vote took place. Colecreature either didn't get it or, more likely, didn't give a flying fig. He voted against the Specter amendment and for the bill, damn his soul to hell.
Well, looks like a giant leap ahead for fascism in America. Remember, boys and girls, nothing Hitler did in Germany was illegal either!
I know there are a few typos in it. I didn't fix them in the name of journlistic integrity. Usually I'm much more careful, but I was in a hurry.