I have wanted to scream, "I HATE YOU, GEORGE BUSH" so many times in the past and today just seemed like the perfect day to shout this out. I hate that son of a bitch, I truly hate him. I think so often that someone should hold the bastard down, shave his head and look for the "666" that has got to be there. I am an atheist, but George Bush has made a record that has gotten me to accept some of the concepts of religious beliefs: There IS a devil. Unfortunately for the USA, he resides at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
I rarely if ever start threads ~~ I think this is only the second one I have started since joining the DU several years ago ~~ but today the anger just built up to the point that as I near my 1,000 post on the DU, I just had to let it all out. So please, endure a rant from this old lady.
Today, I have been reading threads started by and posts done by those of us who are, for lack of better terms, the elderly of this nation. Yep, I have been AARP'd, get Social Security, am retired, live in a senior's development and have a dog instead of a man in my life ~~ less shit to clean up after. I wear low-heeled shoes and have gotten rid of 99% my high heels ~~ however, there is that one "fuck me" pair of red ones I cannot part with. A woman can dream, ya know! My bones creak in the morning when I get up and, dang, I look forward to seeing the ads and coupons that come in the afternoon mail.
But...I still have the spirit in me. That is the spirit that had me out starting as a college kid in the 60's protesting the way my government was acting. When I go out protesting and marching now, I may have to sit a bit and my feet kill me when I get back home. I can't carry my signs as long or as high as I used to and I get to bail those out who get arrested now instead of taking a ride in that LAPD blue bus with the bars on the windows. But I am there and have been there and will be there as long as I can can get there and carry a sign!
When those young kids in LAPD blue with the riot batons come at me now, I shake my finger at them and tell them how ashamed their mothers and grandmothers would be if their pictures happened to be on the evening news and they were caught on tape pushing little old gray-haired ladies around. So far, not one of them has had the nerve to lay a finger on me. Guess there are some positive things about letting one's hair go gray!
So pass me a protest sign and I will get some Dr. Sholl's gel supports for my boots and I will be back out there again. The utter madness in the country ~~ coming primarily from the religious right ~~ has GOT TO BE stopped. I don't have a clue how to stop them or the power to do it myself, but I will keep on trying to bring our once great country away from the principles held by George Bush and his supporters. It's the US Constitution that Bush and his supporters have pissed all over that holds the principles which govern this nation ~~ not the Bible, not PNAC, not a bunch of elected bastards in our government who deal only in self-interest and most certainly not that Nazi bastard that lives at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, Washington, DC.
Rant over.....
Bless all on the DU who are working to up-hold the REAL principles that made the USA the great nation it once was. I love you all and am proud to be a member of such a fine group of people. You don't know the days that your threads, posts and comments on the DU have literally saved my sanity and have let me know that I am not the only one who feels like I do!