Edited on Fri Sep-29-06 11:43 AM by zbdent
"Well, if you would have put X dollars aside each paycheck and never touched it, today, you would have X thousand/million dollars ..."
If you're paying X dollars for a mortgage, and Y percent of that payment is so much, and Z is your taxes, if you save a smaller portion of your taxes over the larger portion that you're spending EACH MONTH on interest (not principle! The bank gets its money up front!), how is that HELPING YOU???
edited to add:
And, if he paid off the loan early, he could take that money up front and invest it, instead of just handing it over to the bank.
Sure, you pay for a car up front, you're out X dollars ... but you save much more than what you would have paid in interest (at least, when the car companies were still charging interest on car loans - which is probably a huge reason why GM and Ford are in trouble ... no interest on car loans means no profit on the sale ... :silly:)