...Time has now got just about all of us. With my retirement and that of Henry Hyde in the House, Chuck Grassley next year will become the last remaining member of the Republican class of 1974 -- an Iron Horse in his own right.
But when I came to Washington an entirely different war was being waged in Southeast Asia. Vietnam has colored much of our thinking since. Whether Vietnam had too much or too little influence over the ensuing three decades is a much larger debate.
But we would be better served in world affairs today by being less haughty and more humble.I regret that my departure from Congress, like my arrival, finds our country at war.
Young and even not-so-young Americans are sacrificing life and limb, while the rest of us are making little or no sacrifice......
Thirty years from now we could well face the biggest crisis in governance since the Civil War if Congress and the White House do not adopt a more honest approach to governance.
The basic compact between generations is being broken....
The beautiful Capitol Dome above us, completed even as the Civil War concluded, should serve to inspire us.
I hope....that we will soon again be touched by the better angels of our nature.
Mr. President, I wish you and all of my colleagues good luck, and Godspeed.
http://www.vermontguardian.com/dailies/092006/092706.shtml I believe he is a wise and honest man. Godspeed back at ya', Senator :patriot: