It's hard to look at, but I'm wondering are we sacrificing the liberal end of the spectrum in trying so hard to reach undecided conservatives and undecided moderates? I myself have felt somewhat detached from the whole candidate thing, because I didn't and don't have a really strong preference. Even with Clinton, I wasn't that interested initially. But when I started to see the changes he created little by little, I grew to really like and respect him. And it has taken me a really long time to develop a liking for Clark, which I finally have. I totally distrusted him at first, thought he was the establishment republican candidate. And he has disproven that, and won me over with a certain honest demeaner and likeableness. It's not that I am saying I am now a Clark person, because I still am about as abb as they come. But pointing out the big change in my thinking, since he entered the race. When I think about Dean, it's more like I feel anger that he didn't win more primaries. Because his populist appeal was so high that I have difficulty believing the primary results would not reflect at least some of that support. I want to believe that our primaries aren't rigged, but that is sort of a stretch for me, and I am of the opinion that there are multiple factors influencing this years' prez race. One factor is that I think more voters than had been recognized see John Kerry as the most electable candidate, whatever that means. Another factor is bbv, and another is the possibility that the democratic establishment has gotten corrupted to a certain extent. They have some power to manipulate behind the scenes, and I think it is this possibility that has the Dean people, the Clark people (and others) angry to the point that they will not vote abb. They have an idea that the media "disappeared" their candidate, and that the dem establishment pushed Kerry in there, and it reeks of behind the scenes manipulation and deal-making. Me, I care to a certain extent, but think that- even if it is true- I expect this sort of thing from our govt, it doesn't surprise me very much. And I can still like and appreciate Kerry for what I see as presidential material. What I find disturbing is the possibility that he might not be able to fire people up, and thus could lose the election to Dubya. or that the same bbv guesswork could figure in. I guess I am wondering if anybody else has any of these thoughts, or perhaps some completely different point of view as to the quandary of political compromise.