due to the political lackeys in charge. How about we address this issue now as opposed to later? Let's review this article:
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/12/09/AR2005120901894.htmlStaff Opinions Banned In Voting Rights Cases
Criticism of Justice Dept.'s Rights Division Grows
By Dan Eggen
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, December 10, 2005; Page A03
The Justice Department has barred staff attorneys from offering recommendations in major Voting Rights Act cases, marking a significant change in the procedures meant to insulate such decisions from politics, congressional aides and current and former employees familiar with the issue said.
Disclosure of the change comes amid growing public criticism of Justice Department decisions to approve Republican-engineered plans in Texas and Georgia that were found to hurt minority voters by career staff attorneys who analyzed the plans. Political appointees overruled staff findings in both cases.
Preventing staff members from making such recommendations is a significant departure and runs the risk of making the process appear more political, experts said.
If there should arise situations/complaints made about election fraud and/or voter supression, who exactly will be investigating those complaints? A little man with a rubber stamp that says "FILED PENDING FURTHER INVESTIGATION" before he puts the file in the POD destined to be shipped to the outsourced archive facility in the Lesser Antilles?