This AtLiberty OP of yesterday got too little attention, what with the Diebold Congress endorsing torture, and shielding child molestation. (God, WAKE UP and smell the electrons, people!)
Re: the latest Rolling Stone revelations about Diebold, by Robert Kennedy, Jr.:'s lies and secrecy are red flags, pointing to extremely suspicious unauthorized meddling with Diebold machines just prior to the 2002 election in Georgia. And Bob Urosevich was directly involved (President of Diebold Elections Div., brother to Tod Urosevich of ES&S, a spinoff of Diebold, funded by rightwing billionaire Howard Ahmanson, who also gave one million dollars to the extremist 'christian' Chalcedon Foundation, which touts the death penalty for homosexuals. Together Diebold and ES&S counted 80% of the nation's votes in the 2004 election, under a veil of corporate secrecy.
Excerpts from the Atlanta Progressive News article (9/28/06) at RawStory:
"Whistleblower Accounts
'With the primaries looming, Urosevich was personally distributing a ‘patch,’ a little piece of software designed to correct glitches in the computer program,' Rolling Stone Magazine reported.
"'We were told that it was intended to fix the clock in the system, which it didn't do,' Hood told Rolling Stone. 'The curious thing is the very swift, covert way this was done.'
"'It was an unauthorized patch, and they were trying to keep it secret from the state,' Hood told Rolling Stone.
"'We were told not to talk to county personnel about it. I received instructions directly from Urosevich. It was very unusual that a president of the company would give an order like that and be involved at that level,' Hood told Rolling Stone.
"The 'patch' was applied to about 5,000 polling places in Fulton and DeKalb Counties in 2002, Rolling Stone reported."
"Two patches were applied in June and July 2002 respectively while (Rob) Behler (second whistleblower) worked in the Diebold warehouse; another patch was applied in August 2002 after Behler left the warehouse, Wired News reported.
“'Behler said Diebold programmers posted patches to a file-transfer-protocol site for him and his colleagues to apply to the machines,' Wired News reported.
"Diebold officials first denied any patches were applied in an interview with Salon in 2003, according to Wired News.
"'We have analyzed that situation and have no indication of that happening at all,' Joseph Richardson, Diebold spokesperson, is reported to have told Salon at the time.
"This story later changed." (MORE) ----------------------------
In other words they lied through their teeth.
The article gets even better and more damning in the parts about Diebold shill Cathy Cox (GA Sec of State). Diebold hid the patches from her (or only spoke to her in a dark alley?), no doubt as cover for her (so she didn't have to act). Then, AFTER the election, somehow she finds out and queries Diebold in a letter asking THEM to assure her that the patches didn't need to be certified and as to what the "overall impact" of the patch was "to the voting system."
Now there's vigilance for you.
God, the malfeasance and corruption here is unfriggingbelievable! And it is even more profound than this searing article reveals. Because the whole "certification" process itself is a crock of election theft industry shite. Testing and certification of these crapass, insecure, insider hackable voting machines is done IN SECRET by THE INDUSTRY.
If enough people do it--if everybody who despises the Bush Junta (60% to 70% of the American people) votes by AB--the reign of these diabolical machines will be OVER!
See my recent posts on the Absentee Ballot protest at ------------------------
Election reform resources:
Here is a list of states and their current voting systems, for reference. All e-voting systems are run on TRADE SECRET, PROPRIETARY programming code. The biggest of these democracy-killing corporations--and the most Bush friendly--are Diebold, ES&S and Sequoia. For an overview of the 2004 election theft, see:
"Was the 2004 Election Stolen?" by Robert Kennedy Jr. 6/1/06 "Secret Vote Counting Crammed Down the Throat of Democracy, " by Michael Collins (DU's Autorank) (--a searing election reform article for New Zealand's Information on electronic voting:
The Princeton study (2006) (e-voting machines extremely hackable) on the Princeton study) (MythBreakers - easy primer on electronic voting--one of the myths is that HAVA requires electronic voting; it does not.)
Activist and informations sites: (statistical monitoring of '06 and '08 elections--they need donations) (news of this great movement from around the country) (good general info, and state links) (great activist site) (fab compendium of all election info) (devoted to election reform) (also great, and devoted to election reform) (analysis of the 2004 election) :patriot: :applause: :patriot:
Read this and you will never vote on another electronic voting machine in your life:
"Poll Shock," by Bob Koehler (11/24/05) ---------------------------------
:patriot: :think: :woohoo: :think: :patriot: