Edited on Sat Sep-30-06 08:03 AM by kentuck
Is George W Bush a "serial Liar"? It has been said that a lie can travel half-way around the world while the truth is putting its shoes on. There is little doubt that lies travel much faster than the truth.
Just a few days ago, a secret National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) was leaked to the press. The news was devastating. Iraq was getting worse, not better. There were more terrorists now than when Iraq was invaded, the NIE stated. And what did the Bush Administration do? They cherry-picked a few pages from the report and released it as the "truth" of the situation in Iraq? But was it really?
The lies go back to the beginning of this Administration - the taxcuts, they Kyoto Treaty, trickle-down economics, etc. This was before the lies about WMD and the threat posed by Saddam Hussein to our country. It has been one lie after another. The truth is tired of putting its shoes on.
The lies of this Administration are destroying our nation. They have their supporters that will believe anything they say, even when the facts are right in front of their noses. The latest lies are about the changes made to make "torture" legal and acceptable by the Geneva Convention. The "President" will decide what torture methods are "legal" and which are not. The Congress ceded that power to him. It's like giving matches to a known arsonist.
But, the question is, how do we fight these lies? The only weapon we have is the truth. This is not some metaphysical definition that some folks always jump on and ask, "but what is the truth"? The truth is the facts. Facts that are distorted and used to deceive are lies. That is what we are facing as a nation. We have the most adept liars and propagandists in the history of this nation, and perhaps, in the history of the world.