"I've often said that:
a) everything you need to take down a Republican leader will usually be found in the dirtpile in his own back yard;
b) the more authoritarian a right-winger is, the bigger the dirt pile, and the bigger the mess he's hiding in it; and
c) if you want directions to where the really juicy stuff is buried, just listen to the issues he rails on about the loudest and hardest.
We might also glean a lesson here about the right wing's continued insistence that male homosexuality automatically equals pedophilia. For progressives, accustomed to gay men who've been allowed to grow into a healthy adult sexuality, this assertion is simply preposterous. The gay men we know aren't like that at all. But if the gays that most Republicans are familiar with are people like Foley -- closeted souls still stunted and stuck in their own adolescence, and therefore seeking partners among their developmental "peers" -- they're simply reporting the pervsion that they're seeing with their own eyes. What they won't acknowledge is the role their own insistence on keeping the closet door locked down tight plays in creating that perversion in the first place."
OK, where's the next dirt pile?