Kerry on Bush Defense of Failed Policies in Iraq, Afghanistan
“Bob Woodward says the Administration is in a state of denial. It’s worse than that. The lying needs to end and the incompetents who gave us a Katrina foreign policy have to go. The Administration has a stand still and lose policy in Iraq which isn’t the center of the war on terror, and a cut and run policy in Afghanistan which is the center of the war on terror. The only clear thing about the president’s policy is that it’s clearly not working.
American troops are coming home without arms and legs, for a strategy our military and our leaders know won’t work, and a policy that worsens terrorism. The repetition of presidential platitudes in daily speeches only compounds the immorality of a policy that is reckless with young Americans’ lives, and leaves America’s moral authority in tatters.
We have seven times more troops in the crossfire of a civil war in Iraq, which our intelligence agencies confirm fuels terrorism, than we have in Afghanistan, where the Taliban is resurgent and Al Qaeda roams free. Rhetoric about providing money to rebuild Afghanistan is hollow from an Administration that has cut aid to Afghanistan by 30% this year, and even requested 67% less than that for next year. Even Don Rumsfeld acknowledged yesterday we need more troops in Afghanistan, but President Bush remains stuck in a state of denial.
This administration cut and run from the truth, and every day this administration refuses to face reality is another day they play into the hands of the terrorists. President Bush needs to start telling the truth, and acting on it.”