I recently met up with a couple of friends at a weekend party. One is a Korea vet and now a cop. Always voted republican. He is almost a stereotype blue-collar republican, tough Brooklyn accent...a cop, for chrissake. You get the picture. The other guy I was a Viet Nam vet and an electrician at a foil plant (he installs the computers and wiring to run the big machines). Now, normally it is lefty Atman who gets the political stuff going, but I tend to avoid the subject when I am with such obvious hard-core Bushies. The electrician told me how he has always voted republican, because his father did, and expected the entire family to, too. But I was amazed when these guys started in on Bush before I could open my mouth.
"The fuckin' Bush! I'm never voting republican again in my life!" said the cop. "Have you checked out your vet's benefits? Bastard's cutting everything!"
"Not only that," chimed in the electrician, "he's cutting OT...I do 10-15 hours of OT a week, we count on it, and now he says I shouldn't get paid for it? Fuck that! I'm casting my first dem vote this year, I don't care what my father says."
Then we all toked up.
Absolutely 100% true story. I couldn't believe my ears! This was back in NOVEMBER even! Imagine how many more converts W has "won" since. This is why I am convinced the poll numbers are media manipulated lies. Because I NEVER EVER EVER run into someone who likes Bush and says they plan to vote for him. Ever.
He only "won" by negative 500,000 votes. He clearly has lost many of the people who voted for him last time. How can anyone keep questioning whether Bush is beatable? The question should be, "when will he drop out of the race in disgrace?"