Edited on Sat Feb-07-04 01:23 PM by Tinoire
Nunn has been on the board of directors for some of the largest corporations in the world; including Coca Cola, Dell Computers, and, most frighteningly, General Electric and Texaco. GE, if you didn't know, makes its money off of refrigerators, bombs, weapons of mass destruction and television programming. Texaco is, well- a Texas based oil company. In that blink of the eye a businessman drenched in oil becomes a Vice President. But blink again and he reverts back again. A journalist becomes a lobbyist. A lobbyist becomes a policy maker. The policy maker becomes the "expert". So it is no surprise that some of the key players in the game keep reappearing in many different incarnations, from think tank fellows, to journalists, from corporate board members to White House staff, from CIA operatives to authors. ==== JOHN HAMRE THIS John Hamre? This is the guy you're parading? The one on the following board with their great graphics on their HS web-site? Mr Homeland Security? Makes sense when you think Acxiom & CAPPS II but not a very good reference. http://www.homelandsecurity.org/staff.asp?page=1==== Way back in December of 2000, CSIS was one of the first out of the starting gate to propose the creation of a Department of Homeland Security in its Homeland Defense: A Strategic Approach. The 2002 Homeland Security Department proposal sent to the US Congress by the current regime is based almost entirely on CSIS's proposals. Why so much influence from this particular 501 c (3) that has a paltry operating budget of US $17.5 million? CSIS boasts on its Board and Advisory Board former US Defense Secretaries William Cohen and Harold Brown, former Senator Sam Nunn, former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, retired USAF General Brent Scowcroft, and former DCI James Woolsey, among other US military and civilian "retirees". Also on the CSIS staff are six Military Fellows representing the US Coast Guard, Marines, Air Force, Army and Navy. http://www.counterpunch.org/stanton0906.html== Is this your defense of Clark sitting on the boards of two of the most vile neo-con organizations out there? It's weak. Very, very weak. Senior Advisor for the Center for Strategic International Studies where he is listed under "Who Leads the CSIS" www.csis.org/html/csislead.html
The http://www.csis.org/ is a Right-Wing think tank that has been very close to Bush on matters dealing with Iraq & Afghanistan. They're like a who's who of the whatever neo-cons aren't in government and has a Board of trustees who's members proudly sit on boards of Halliburton, Hunt Oil, National Petroleum Council, American Petroleum Council, General Electric, special counsellors to Reagan, and what the hell is Sam Nunn up to with the Nunn-Wolfowitz-Task Forces for Hughes Electronics? I should have guessed. DLC. Media Transparency has quite a run-down on this organization http://www.mediatransparency.org/all_in_one_results.php?Message=CSIS
National Endowment for Democracy (currently implicated in the Venezuelan Coup Scandal for having financed the oppostition to Hugo Chavez) which Ronald Reagan started in the early 1980s to promote American values abroad. Also on the board Frank Carlucci, Carlyle fame, Morton Abramowitz, Vin Weber, Evan Bayh http://www.ned.org/about/who.html
Ronald Reagan started the NED in the early 1980s to "promote American values abroad" by destabilizing progressive movements/governments, especially those with a socialist or democratic socialist bent. Also on the board Frank Carlucci (Carlyle fame), Morton Abramowitz, Vin Weber (original PNAC signatory), Evan Bayh http://www.ned.org/about/who.html
Here are the CSIS & National Endowment for Democracy's major/majority donors: Sara Scaife Foundatation financed in turn by Mellon Industrial, at one time its largest single holding was stock in the Gulf Oil Corporation. Richard Scaife is the 38th richest man in America. Scaife has been a leading financier of New Right causes. The Sarah Scaife Foundation is considered to be one of the top 4 conservative foundations. He's known as the Right's Founding Father.
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation one of the country's largest and most influential right-wing foundations. Its targets range from affirmative action to social security, it has seen its greatest successes in areas of welfare "reform" and attempts to privatize public education through the promotion of school vouchers.
The overall objective of the Bradley Foundation is ... laissez-faire capitalism: capitalism with the gloves off. (...) supports right-wing groups such as the Heritage Foundation, source of policy papers on budget cuts, supply-side economics and the Star Wars military plan for the Reagan administration; the Madison Center for Educational Affairs, which provides funding for right-wing research and a network of conservative student newspapers; and the American Enterprise Institute, literary home of such racist authors as Charles Murray (The Bell Curve) and Dinesh D'Souza (The End of Racism), former conservative officeholders Jeanne kirkpatrick, Jack Kemp and William Bennet, and arch conservative jurists Robert Bjork and Antonin Scalia. <snip / this just goes on and on sending CHILLS up my spine>
The Smith Richardson Foundation: active in supporting conservative causes... one of the countries richest families. Funded the early "supply-side" books of Jude Wanninski and George Gilder. Board of Directors include Ben Wattenberg (right wing, radical Free Market, Senior Fellow at American Enterprise Institute, maker of the right-wing PBS show "Think Tank", Senior Editor of The American Enterprise Magazine[br /> More: http://www.mediatransparency.org/funders/smith_richardson_foundation.htm
You have to really wonder about these things and ask serious questions when you run across articles where PNACers like Morton Abramowitz are telling us what a great guy Clark will be for us because the rest of our candidates are “woefully deficient”. Woefully defecient for PNAC ? THAT is the entire idea!
While Clark does not describe himself as a Democrat, he leans liberal on domestic policy.
<snip> Some Democrats are skeptical, however, that Clark has what it takes to mount a campaign in 2004. "There's no question Wesley Clark would bring a lot to the party and field," said Democratic strategist Mark Mellman. "But the reality is for all these candidates it is getting a little late, especially for those who don't have a political organization in place in places like Iowa and New Hampshire. Despite having a compelling message, it may be late to set a place at the table as a practical matter." Others, however, say Clark's strengths could trump the field. Morton Abramowitz, a State Department veteran with whom Clark worked in Kosovo, called Clark "a fighter, a determined battler" and said Clark's military experience gives the general an advantage in an area in which the other Democratic candidates are "woefully deficient." "He comes as a commanding figure," Abramowitz said. "He's run things. What has Joe Lieberman run?" Abramowitz dismissed the idea that it is too late for Clark to consider a run for president in 2004.
From: Gen. Clark's Next War: Conquer the Democrats? By E.J. KESSLER FORWARD STAFF http://www.forward.com/issues/2003/03.01.31/news6.html
Clark well represented the very evil that Progressives are fighting when he waged that obscene, illegal war against Serbia because it stood in the way of the West's grand scheme to integrate the Balkans into an economic model in which the region's economies would be subordinated to Western corporate interests as we bombed and destroyed the entire country so that Soros and his friends could get their hands on the socially owned firms that belonged to the people of Serbia and we could get our access to the oil rich Caspain sea. Just like Bush’s war, that war was waged without UN approval and without Congressional authorization.
Clark is being pushed on us by the DLC, well known for and very open about its corporate ties and interests, known for its cooperation with the American Enterprise Institute which is the parent of PNAC (PNAC is on the AEI’s 5th floor- wonder just what we can expect to find on the other 4 floors). These companies and George Soros (who is part of the Carlyle Group right along with James Baker, Frank Carlucci and the Bush & Bin-Laden families), represent the transnational corporate interests that are killing us. Do we ever ask ourselves why George Soros- a foreigner- is so eager to buy our elections for the paltry sum of $10 million dollars at the same time that he is destabilizing our currency by dumping the dollar and buying Euros? Have WE learned NOTHING from what Soros did to Indonesia, Ukraine, Belorus, Malaysia and is trying to do in Russia now? Do we not recognize the MO as it’s being done to us? The Democratic party- sold for the equivalent of $54.41 from someone making $60,000/yr to the CSIS, the NED, the Sara Scaife Foundatation, the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Soros & Carlyle.
An MIC world of "liberalisation" of neighbourhood economics and more intervention in social democracies, using our weapons of economic blockades, debt interest elevations, cluster bombs and depleted uranium coated shells, all to achieve war objectives under the pretext of going after terrorists and illicit drug-traffickers.
Count me out. Your post didn't de-bunk anything; it just tries to white-wash the associations. Bringing neo-Liberals like Brzezinski along as references is alarming. BOTH neo-Cons and neo-Libs are the cancer eating away at this country and at both of the major political parties.