1) as of the year 2000, Vermont was rated 2nd best in the nation for the quality of medical care provided to Medicare beneficiaries
2) as of the year 2003, Vermont was ranked 3rd best in the nation for prescription benefits provided to Medicare beneficiaries
3) he signed into law managed care consumer protections that are among the toughest in the nation
4) he established the “Success by Six” program, in which Health care providers, social service agencies and others cooperate to connect parents with resources ranging from job training to parenting classes
5) he overhauled Vermont's traditional system of paying for public schools with local property taxes, shifting funds from rich towns to poor towns through a "sharing pool," sparking an explosion in education spending,which has been up by 40% since 1997
6) he ensured that virtually every child under 18 and more than 90 percent of adults are eligible for health coverage.
7) he created the Domestic Violence Fatality Review Committee to identify strengths and weaknesses in the community response to domestic violence
8) he established initiatives which included mandatory work requirements and lifetime maximum benefits, but were balanced by their support of children and their working parents with health care, child care, and job training (more at:
9) he increased investment on Child Care Services by 176% since 1991
10) he instituted the first state protocol for abuse investigations. In return, Vermont saw a 45% decline in physical and sexual abuse of children. This included a 64% decline in physical abuse victims ages 0-3 and a 43% decline in physical abuse victims ages 0-6.
11) he increased human services funding by 33%, and education funding by 25%
12) he cut income tax twice, removed the sales tax on most clothing, and reduced the state's long-term debt.
13) he raised the state's minimum wage twice during 11 years in office.
14) he created tax incentives to attract and keep new companies.
15) he created 41,000 jobs in a remarkably small state.
16) he appointed more women to office than any other state governor
17) he signed an executive order enhancing state assistance to victims of domestic violence
18) he challenged the term "partial birth abortion" from a medical perspective, saying that it is a "code word" for extremism
19) as a consequence of his policies, pregnancy rates for young teens dropped 49% in Vermont.
20) Under his governorship, Vermont was the first state to institute a statewide protocol for abuse investigations. In return, Vermont saw a 45% decline in physical and sexual abuse of children. This included a 64% decline in physical abuse victims ages 0-3 and a 43% decline in physical abuse victims ages 0-6
21) He has consistently, irrefutably argued that what a woman does with her body is her own decision and none of the government’s business.
I have yet to see any of you offer a substantive list of accomplishments for any of your candidates. What have they done, what have they stood up for? Some have tried to do the same for Kerry, but that ends up in a lot of waffling and explanation about how there were extenuating circumstances. Screw circumstances. Dean DID these things, no bones about it. Just what has your chosen candidate done?
edited for typos.