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caucus in olympia, wa

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nannah Donating Member (690 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-07-04 03:34 PM
Original message
caucus in olympia, wa
from my tiny slice of the caucus pie:

our precinct had 13 participants. we controlled 6 delegates. we began with 3 for DK; 1 for clark; 1 for dean; 3 undecideds; 3 for kerry; 2 for edwards.

Discussion moved from issues like health care, the environment, trade policy and employment to "electability".

Electability discussion addressed candidates vulnerability to damage from record of past acts and positions taken both personally and professionally. In our group Kerry was most vulnerable in this regard, with concern that he was being promoted by media because he had issuest that when put on table in general election would cost him votes. Evidently he has bad history with leaving wives and there was a story about his involvement in a masacre of women and children in Vietnam. Clarity on these issue would be helpful to me.

Two of us who supported Kucinich were quite outspoken. Others in the group who declared for other candidates admitted that Kucinich most closely reflected their feelings and belief on issues of health care, peace, trade policies, employment, etc, but they felt he was not electable.

The discussion remained courteous and positive. At the final tally, our group of 13 ended sending 3 delegates for Edwards; 2 delegates for Kucinich (yeah!!! and i am one of the delegates); and 1 delegate for Kerry. Final numbers were 6 for Edwards, 4 for Kucinich, and 3 for Kerry. Of the 5 who changed their choices, 4 chose for Edwards and 1 for Kucinich.

Dean was acknowledged for the incredible work he did to raise consciousness nationwide on the issue of war with Iraq and the integrity and credibility of the current administration. His success in bringing disenfranchised voters into the process is invaluable to any hope of creating change in the US.

@5 participants at the table were 50 +, 7 looked to be 35 - 50. One gentleman may have been younger than 35.

as one of the delegates for Kucinich, I am looking forward to the next opportunity to vote on April 24th.

anyother WA Kucinich delgates here????

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FrankBooth Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-07-04 03:43 PM
Response to Original message
1. The massacre in Vietnam
was not John Kerry, it was former Democratic Senator Bob Kerrey.
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sandnsea Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-07-04 03:43 PM
Response to Original message
2. Wow
Leaving wives. He's been married twice and is still married to Teresa. Wrong Kerry, Bob Kerrey was the person in Vietnam. So people made their decision based on lies. Love our Democrats. :eyes:
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frustrated_lefty Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-07-04 03:49 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. Typical Kerryite response
It doesn't matter.

He voted for IWR.

It doesn't matter.

He voted for the Patriot Act.

It doesn't matter.

I have to ask, what DOES matter to you northeastern liberal types?
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nannah Donating Member (690 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-07-04 04:01 PM
Response to Reply #2
4. thanks! to both of you who corrected the Kerry info
Since Lieberman dropped out of the race, I can live with whomever is nominated. Rather than picking the candidates apart, I want to find value in each candidate. That way, when it is down to the final democratic candidate, i will be well able to share reason's to vote for the democratic nominee with any undecided or wobbling republican. I do want to be able to deflect incorrect assertions like the ones above and i appreciate your help. I

Issues that MATTERED to the people in my precinct were healthcare, the environment, trade policy, and jobs. Nobody griped about their taxes. No one expressed concern about drugs, except for the outrageous prices and policies of the pharmeceutical industry.

Our precinct predominantly reflects people in the low to middle income range.
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