Allen, Webb in Slashing, Wide-Ranging Debate
By Michael D. Shear and Tim Craig
Washington Post Staff Writers
Tuesday, October 10, 2006; Page A01, Oct. 9 -- Virginia Sen. George Allen and former Navy secretary James Webb clashed over issues and character in a fast-paced and contentious series of exchanges during the last of four scheduled debates Monday night. The 60-minute debate, held in Richmond and broadcast live on 19 public and commercial television stations statewide, gave Webb and Allen a chance to highlight the issues they hope will dominate the four weeks before the Nov. 7 election.
For Allen, the Republican, those issues are taxes, same-sex marriage and a dislike of liberals. Webb, running as a Democrat, stressed the Iraq war and economic fairness as he appealed for support from independents and Republicans.
In a campaign marked by personal attacks on character, real issues emerged Monday night. In rapid-fire succession, the candidates sparred over energy independence, immigration, the federal deficit, the Capitol Hill page scandal, the minimum wage and secret spying by the government.
"My opponent doesn't stand with John Warner and me in keeping taxes low," Allen said in his opening statement, referring to Virginia's senior senator, also a Republican. "He stands with Hillary Clinton, John Kerry and the big-government Democrats who want to raise taxes."