Everyone knows that the legal system can be manipulated to a certain extent. If you don't want something to go to court at a particular time, then just continue to appeal the matter until it either gets dropped from the legal system or is resolved to your satisfaction
if you’re lucky.
Take a look at Dick Cheney...he's appealed this matter all the way to the Supreme Court.
(CNN) -- The General Accounting Office (GAO), the investigative arm of Congress, announced recently its intention to file suit against the White House to force it to release notes involving an energy task force headed by Vice President Dick Cheney. The fight for the notes began when the GAO requested them last summer and has heated up with the financial collapse of Enron. The White House maintains that turning over the notes would erode the ability of the executive branch to get advice in private and to deliberate matters.
http://www.cnn.com/2002/LAW/02/08/dean.cheney.cnna/“WASHINGTON -- The Supreme Court agreed Monday to decide whether Vice President Dick Cheney must disclose his contacts with energy executives, including some from Houston's Enron Corp., as the Bush administration drew up its energy policy. “
http://www.chron.com/cs/CDA/ssistory.mpl/business/2298456Now take a look at Howard Dean..
“MONTPELIER - Former Gov. Howard Dean said Sunday he will let a judge determine which of his sealed gubernatorial records should be opened to the public.”
http://rutlandherald.nybor.com/News/Story/75701.html“EXETER, N.H. -- Democratic presidential candidate Howard Dean said Monday that he would not file an answer -- due in Washington County Superior Court in Vermont Tuesday -- to a lawsuit against him demanding that he unseal papers from his governorship, and instead would leave the matter to his friend, William Sorrell, the current attorney general in Vermont.” - “Dean appointed Sorrell to the post.”
http://www.heraldtribune.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20031223/NEWS/312230654/1017So what’s in the records Dr. Dean, something to do with Enron?
“Last week, after Dean denied providing a tax break as governor that benefited Enron Corp. -- which a published report showed he did -- Gephardt said: "Once again, Howard Dean refuses to admit the truth. You can't beat George W. Bush if you can't tell the truth about your own record." Tricia Enright, a Dean spokeswoman, called the quarrel a difference of "interpretation." Dean, she said, restructured the Vermont tax code for scores of companies and did not provide a specific break to Enron.”
http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A9661-2003Dec17?language=printer“In December 1994, Enron set up what's known as a "captive insurance company," called Gulf Company Ltd., in Vermont - and Enron's former chief financial officer, Andrew Fastow, who was on the board, came to visit.”
http://forum.chronwatch.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1339Want to know what they are saying on Free Republic, and before you start yelling more Freeper B.S., let me tell you this, if you're going to win a war, you'd better study your enemy, so here it is:
"Furthermore, Howard Dean - who's running with a promise to re-regulate everything from the media to energy - slashed every regulation he could reach to woo these megacorps. Dean and his entire party are out there screaming about the big tax breaks that Bush and the boys give to Enron and Halliburton, yet he tried to set up the Granite State as a landlocked Bermudian tax haven! No wonder Dean is willing to go to court to keep those records sealed. Can you imagine what his fringe, kook liberal base would say if they got found out about these tax breaks to the corporations they hate?"
"Be very careful with these records. I would not be surprised if Dean doesn't want these released during the primaries because they indicate a few policies that are not so favorable for the Left. But for the general election, they'll make him look positively
right-wing." any of this is true, and it does come to the light of day during the general election, then Howard Dean will have pulled off one the biggest cover-ups in modern political history,and he pulls the trickery on his own party no less.
Maybe he is the guy who's clever enough to win in the general election after all, but for me, if any of this is true - then I don't even want him near the White House because he's no different than the guy who's living there now.