Edited on Tue Oct-24-06 01:09 PM by Mythsaje
Someone has slipped a mickey into the Republican Party's punchbowl, some kind of super-virus that lowers intelligence to a mere fraction of itself. They don't even seem to be able to wait a few days before contradicting themselves. There's more finger pointing going on in the party as a whole than in your average 2nd grade class.
We already knew they were incompetent at governing. The past several years have made this readily apparent. But they were always good at campaigning with a consistent message.
Not anymore. They don't have a message. Nothing coherent, anyway. Except maybe "BOO!"
"Be afraid of terrorists."
"Be afraid of liberals."
"Be afraid of everyone EXCEPT us."
"Ignore the fact that we've screwed up everything we've touched. And blamed everyone except ourselves for it."
The whole thing is getting so transparent that only a complete idiot (or a freeper--but what's the difference?) can't tell how much they're imploding.
Maybe they're just panicking, knowing their big machine is about to derail and sink them all into a festering swamp of their own making. They're coming apart at the seams and the Democrats are standing back watching, a look of mild amusement on their faces.
The Republicans are shoveling more Elephant Shit into the coal-burners, have the throttle locked in 'full speed ahead' position, and are rocketing down the tracks like a passenger train driven by a megalomaniacal clown with a death-wish.
Rush Limbaugh's hanging off the back, waving to onlookers, a bottle of pills in one hand, his tiny, shriveled dick in the other, spewing hatred at a beloved American actor while Bill O'Reilly moons the public through one of the side windows with the words "War On Christmas" tattooed on his flabby white ass.
They've gone nuts, I tell you. Completely and utterly insane. There's no one available on the train to say "hey, slow this thing down! And get that big, fat idiot inside before his dead weight pulls us off the track! And someone tell O'Reilly to put his pants on!"
It seems that unchecked political power is like kryptonite to the Party of Steel. Liberal bullets may bounce off, but, in their unmitigated greed, they managed to snatch up the one thing their alien physiology can't tolerate, something with which they can't possibly deal.
Responsibility for fucking everything six ways from Sunday. Including their own limitless ambitions.
edited to fix a typo AND to change the title