I want some input on this before I e-mail it to the editor of my local paper (Wausau Daily Herald-Wisc.) They had 2 Kerry articles and nothing on Clark. I have never got a letter in, so this is only my first effort. It is long, but if submitted as a guest, it can be longer. I welcome all consrutctive criticism.
Dear Editor:
I read the editorials on Sen. John Kerry in your Feb. 9th issue, and they made good points. One writer gave numerous examples of what is wrong with the present administration, and ended with a single example of why he is voting for Kerry. The other was a poignant letter about someone in the Big Brothers/Big Sisters program who enlisted in the Marine Corps, and served in Iraq. He also is a Kerry supporter. There were several things not included in these editorials that also deserve consideration. My candidate is Four-Star General Wesley Clark. Like Kerry, General Clark also had doubts about the Vietnam War, however, unlike Kerry, he didn’t throw his medals over the fence of the Capitol in protest. Clark chose to protest in a more appropriate way, such as taking a closer look at what was happening, and discussing it at West Point (and elewhere), where there were other cadets who also had questions about the conflict. When it comes to military records, there really are many differences between Wesley Clark and John Kerry. The story of how Wesley Clark received his Silver Star is really quite amazing. After being shot 4 times, he directed a counterattack and successfullyled his platoon to safety. In yet another example of Wesley Clark’s heroism: Early in the Bosnian Mission, Clark recovered the bodies of 3 American diplomats on a negotiating team, after a French armored personnel carrier rolled down a mountainside as they were on their way to Sarjevo. Clark tied a rope to a tree and rappelled down the mountainside to help with the rescue and to recover the dead. I don’t know if he received a medal for this effort, but he did earn the respect of many people for his actions. In his role as NATO Supreme Allied Commander, he led a successful campaign in which there was not the loss of a single American soldier. Besides that, the lives of 1.5 million Ethnic Albanians were saved. There is nobody in this campaign that can touch that accomplishment, including Presiden t Bush. I could write a book on General Clark’s accomplishments, or maybe a movie script, but since that isn’t possible, these are the reasons he has my vote:
•He has more experience in leadership than anyone in this campaign. •When he was smeared by a jealous General, he immediately opened up his military records. The general in question has consistently to refused to elaborate or explain his accusations. This is only one example why Wesley Clark has earned my trust. •He has a very broad range of experience, far beyond any of the other candidates. Business, foreign relations, diplomatic (ex: Dayton Peace Accords), education, political (responsible for housing, educational, healthcare of tens of thousands of military families), and infrastructureare only some examples. •He is not beholdin’ to any group. He is not a career politician. This means your voice will be heard. • His character and integrity are above reproach. I have given examples of this. • His 38-year record of distinguished service to this great country. This truly sets him apart from the rest. • He has a plan to get us out of the mess in Iraq and bring our soldiers home. •Despite the media blackout, Clark draws huge crowds and is on sound financial ground. He has a stong base of support. Don’t let the media select the nominee for you. • He is the most likely candidate to beat George Bush. He has a brilliant and extensive military record , as well as southern roots. He has accomplished more in 4 months than any of the other candidates have in almost 2 years. Here is a man that knows what efficiency means.
Please consider voting for General Wesley Clark, a national treasure.