I have a very, very long memory and the spin of many of the old "war-excusing" people supporting the DLC candidates has totally turned me off. Scott Ritter's bomb-shell earlier today about having sent Kerry documents about Iraq not having WMDs was the final nail in Kerry's coffin for me. Being Liberal domestically is simply not enough anymore.
The more I look at S&B, Rhodes, Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commissions and other such societies, the more disgusted I get because I realize they're all working hand in hand towards the advancement of the same Anglo-Teutonic empire that has brought so much misery on the non-Anglo-Teutonic world. We went and established little puppet regimes & colonies all over the world in just that goal and now we wail and wring our hands as we plunder the rest of the world with the excuse that we must defend ourselves and our allied colonies. The whole thing has gotten very sick and I want no more part of it. We now have the DLC, which was as blood-thirsty as Bush,
presenting itself as a dove of reason and a dove of peace- just like many of its supporters here who I distinctly recall rationalizing the war on the grounds that Saddaam was an evil man, that he was oppressing his people while at the same time, they justified continued immoral sanctions and absolutely vilified the coalitions organizing protests against the war. I am not so sure I want to be in the same party as such New Democrats & sympathizers to Bush's & the DLC's imperial philosophy. There are too many neo-liberals in this party working against almost every progressive ideal I have. <sarcasm> School of the Americas is now a finishing school teaching Human Rights to Officers, Reagan's National Endowment for Democracy is interested in spreading real Democracy in "repressive" countries like Venezuela & Cuba, Brezinski & Soros are Messiahs to the Democratic Party, PNAC is paranoia on the part of Leftists, the OSP was only run out of the Pentagon, "everyone" was mis-led about WMDs </sarcasm> and yada, yada, bull-crap with the lies, the head-burying & the rationalizations. Dominate, steal, kill, kill because we are the uber-menschen and the scoundrels who dare strike back at our crumbling empire must be "apprehended". You tell me, is there any hope?
Our only hopes are Kucinich and to a lesser, but still acceptable, progressive extent, Dean. The DLC & its supporters aren't having them as they tut tut their way & rationalize everything that suits the needs of a dying, parasitical empire that can't prop its currency up by the sweat of its own hard labor.
Kerry isn't going to grow a sack. How could he? He's sold on the advancement of that empire hook and nail. His entire history is one of doling out a few larger domestic crumbs to the people (abortion, a little welfare) in true DLC, empire-expanding style. You tell me, is there any hope? Special interests are taking over this election again- like always and we're all supposed to bury our consciences with cries of "ABB" as we focus on Bush because that way, they calculate, we won't notice that there's a little more to this than just Bush Inc. Well I have noticed. There will be no cries of ABB coming from this mouth.
Kucinich. Smart, honest, said from the beginning no WMDs.
----Dean- because he is not S&B, Rhodes, TC, or CFR & would not be putting their interests above ours.
Edwards- straddling a fine, fine line but being anti-NAFTA wins him a lot of points. I would have 2 independent mechanics check the car before buying it from Edwards.
Kerry- waaaay under the line after Ritter's bomb-shell about him definitely having known.
_____Clark- absolutely out of the question- might as well move the Kissinger, Brezinski & the NED to 1600 Penn Ave.
The neo-cons have no intention of leaving the White House. The neo-libs (DLC) are trying to make it comfortable enough from them to leave by promising a candidate who won't make too much noise over what he finds when he gets there. Well hell no- I ain't voting for that. Regime change! Not a cosmetic changing of the old guard!
You tell me... Is there any hope?
"Why should we not form a secret society with but one object, the furtherance of the British Empire and the bringing of the whole world under British rule, for the recovery of the United States, for making the Anglo Saxon race but one Empire? What a dream, but yet it is probable, it is possible." Cecil Rhodes - "Confession of Faith
http://www.pbs.org/empires/victoria/empire/rhodes.html I contend that we are the finest race in the world, and that the more of the world we inhabit the better it is for the human race. I contend that every acre added to our territory means the birth of more of the English race who otherwise would not be brought into existence.
Added to this, the absorption of the greater portion of the world under our rule simply means the end of all wars. The objects one should work for are first the furtherance of the British Empire, the bringing of the whole uncivilized world under British rule, the recovery of the United States, the making of the Anglo-Saxon race but one Empire. Cecil Rhodes - "Confession of Faith
http://www.emory.edu/ENGLISH/Bahri/Rhodes.htmlIs it any wonder that Hitler, funded by S&B money, admired this man? Kind of puts WTO, NAFTA, Iraq, Yugoslavia, Iraq & self-serving colonies under a whole new light.
So Sam, you tell me. Is there any hope? Especially with some Democrats justifying this stuff?