Contrary to obscure press blurbs from questionable sources, almost all credible polls show that the Dean phenomenon still stirs, evokes, and grows. Consider a few recent endorsements:
Dean RisingA couple of interesting endorsements of Dean:
William Greider, a national affairs correspondent for Rolling Stone and The Nation, and author of several excellent books on political history, endorsed Dean. To have a thinker as independent of the mainstream as Greider endorse a presidential candidate is unusual to say the least.
Dean also picked up an endorsement from
Ted Rall, the brilliant political cartoonist and journalist, also not one you would expect to see make a formal public declaration of his support for someone who is a frontrunner in mainstream American politics. Such are the times we are living in. Dean does not please me in his positions as much as Dennis Kucinich. But Dean represents the potential of uniting a broad coalition across the middle of American life. And therefore a chance to seize the White House (legally and democratically this time), to wrest power from the posers and usurpers now driving the ship of state into a sewer.
This is really a measure of how bad things are, and how desperately a movement of resistance is needed to stop the Republican catastrophe now in motion. A leader does not have to be our perfect ideal. What is needed is someone who can represent the needs of a majority of Americans who now share at least one objective: the removal of the Bush regime from power. It can be for hugely disparate reasons, because the Bush regime has caused enormous damage to many people for many reasons. Its true beneficiaries are relatively few.
I know some conservative businessmen who are getting extremely worried about Bush, want him out and would support Dean. This is key. If the business community is behind a political movement, it is hard to beat. Obviously Bush has the global multinationals in his pocket, or more accurately they have him. But the increasing numbers of people who are getting left out of Bush's little American dream include many business people, not the corporate crooks, but real entrepreneurs who really do believe in democracy and free enterprise, not just the ability to buy politicians.
And the beat goes on. The Ostrich Society notwithstanding, Dean surges forth and gathers momentum for the Democratic nomination, and a chance to swat down the Chimp in Chief.