Edited on Tue Feb-10-04 04:57 AM by aldian159
A little bit about me, first, so you know where I'm coming from.
I'm a college freshman at DePaul University in Chicago. I've lived in either Chicago or the first ring of its suburbs my entire life. Everyone in my family is a Democrat and we most likely will be for a long time. We have all picked candidates, but will all punch D in Nov, just like we've been doing since WWII.
I supported Senator Kerry because I saw the mess Bush has made of this nation, saw the Senator (I'd admittedly never heard of him till then), heard a little about him, and said "cool, but it's early."
After reading up on all the candidates-minus Clark, he wasn't in yet- I liked Sen. Kerry's positions on energy independence and the environment, plus the service plan that is similar to Sen. Edwards (who I strongly looked at) and Gen. Clark.
It came down to Kerry or Edwards. I chose Kerry for the experience factor. Being a senator for nearly as long as I've been alive (Birthday: 10/16/84) makes a difference. He knows what he's talking about, and I liked that. It's too big a ballgame for amateur hour. Not calling Edwards an amateur, just saying that in today's new and sometimes scary world, it helps to know what you're doing.
National security is a huge issue, and I felt like Edwards, by virtue of his lack of experience, couldn't compete with a sitting President on this important issue to your average voter. I saw Dean, the governor of VT, as lacking on this issue as well. Plus, I just never "clicked" with Howard. To this day I've never figured out why that is.
If the Democratic Party, historically looking weak on security and foreign policy, could either win or at least negate this issue, very similar to 1992, we'd win.
I don't hate insiders, and I don't hate politicians. I'm extremely pragmatic, and believe that Kerry has the best chance to take on and beat Bush. Before you start calling me some media whore, I've believed that since about August. In order to beat the system, you gotta master it first, and Kerry has.
It's late, I know, but thanks in advance for reading/commenting on these rambling thoughts.