To: Terry McAuliffe, Chairman, DNC
There have been no debates since the New Hampshire primary and none are scheduled for the rest of the race. We need another one.
Three-quarters of the nation's Democrats have not voted and no candidate has anywhere close to the 2,161 delegates needed for the nomination. The more each voter is able to see all the candidates and to hear their different positions, the better each and every voter will be able to make this crucial choice. But with the shortened primary schedule, many candidates have been unable to reach the voters of all the states. The choice of the Democratic nominee should not be boiled down to a test of who can raise the most money to advertise in the most states. Scheduling a debate in Wisconsin prior to the Feb. 17 primary would give us all a chance to best decide who we want to be our next President.
The decision of who should represent the Democratic Party in November is not one that should be taken lightly or rushed. Much of the media and many pundits are ready to declare the race over, even though most Democrats haven't had a chance to make their decision. The voters of Wisconsin, the voters of the "Super Tuesday States," as well as the voters of all the remaining states deserve a chance to hear the candidates discuss and debate their views on the many important issues facing our country -- just as the voters of Iowa and New Hampshire, and other early primary states were afforded that opportunity.
Further, the debates held to this point have already helped the party as a whole to strengthen its message and has helped to weaken President Bush. More debates would help the entire Democratic party and bring the eventual nominee even closer to victory this Fall.
We therefore request a debate be held the weekend of Feb. 13-15 so the voters of Wisconsin -- and the millions of Democrats nationwide who haven't yet voted -- can decide who they want to face President Bush in November. We also request that debates be scheduled regularly for as long as no candidate has received enough delegates to win.
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