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Question for NBDers and ABKers

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mrgorth Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Feb-10-04 09:04 AM
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Question for NBDers and ABKers
I've been working for Dean since I heard his California speech. I don't want my Dean credentials questioned. Also, I am too wondering how I'm going to vote for a 100% pro-war ticket like Kerry/Edwards or Kerry/Gep. That said, my question is, do you participate in any political discussion that inculdes "the other side"? The other side not being DLCers but actual Bushistas. I ask this because I'm reading lots of comments from pugs and even moderate pugs where they assail Kerry as being too, way to liberal. Now, I don't agree with this assesment, obviously, but I think it helps put things in perspective. We may think Kerry is a Bush-lite appeaser but those other guys think he's Teddy Kennedy, which they say derisively. I suggest that rather than continuing to read the condescending remarks of various Kerry-folk on this board you spend some time reading Bush worshipers slamming him. Might put things in perspective. I love Howad Dean and will support him until the end BUT Kerry is doing well everywhere and that's important. Would Dean have done well everywhere if not for Iowa? I have no idea but nor can I reverse the spin of the globe to find out. I'm not saying to go ABB. Just try what I said and see if it changes your perspective. Peace.
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NashVegas Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Feb-10-04 09:09 AM
Response to Original message
1. Hard to Say Either Way
My moderate Repub/indie leaning-Pub friends who are into Dean don't have much to say about Kerry, period. They're just into Dean.

I only have 1 hard-core pub acquaintance. She hates Kerry, thinks he'd just be Bush in a liberal suit, but totally digs Clark.
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vi5 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Feb-10-04 09:10 AM
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2. A comendable post....
I applaud your honesty and rational thought.

I'm a 100% ABB dem nominee voter. None of the candidates have particularly caught fire in my heart (I said the same thing about Clinton in '92 and I think he in retrospect was one of the best presidents ever). But I think Kerry is getting a bad rap that we lose perspective of on this board.
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OKNancy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Feb-10-04 09:18 AM
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3. Kerry is liberal
and has always been a liberal. He screwed up and voted for IWR, and it bothers me because I think he MIGHT have done it because he put his finger up and thought that was the way the wind blew.

However, how anyone can say he is not a liberal is beyond me. As I look at it, I think swing voters may believe the smears on him and I don't want to chance it. My biggest reason for not supporting Kerry right now is that I don't think he will win. I actually think he would be a good President...not as good as Clark, but he'll do compared to Bush.

I'm sure my reasoning and outlook is because I live in a very red state. I just don't see any so-called "swing states" going for Kerry unless Bush continues to screw up ( which is possible, I suppose).

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jfxgillis Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Feb-10-04 09:28 AM
Response to Reply #3
4. Interesting. But Bush HAS to continue to screw up, at least in Iraq
and almost certainly on the economy.

His ideology literally FAILED.

In Iraq, he can't pull troops without seeming to surrender, he can't add troops without evoking quagmire and he can't keep doing what he's doing without continuing to screw up.

His economic policies are not creating jobs. Been three years since the tax cuts and his supply-side nostrum have concentrated the benefits, well, .... on the supply side. And JOBS move elections.

Frankly, this is the best chance to elect a real liberal since the conservatives had the best chance to elect a real conservative in '80 against Carter.
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Nicholas D Wolfwood Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Feb-10-04 09:40 AM
Response to Reply #4
5. One note of correction
Jobs move elections when jobs are in short supply. Gore found this out the hard way.
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Northwind Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Feb-10-04 09:53 AM
Response to Original message
6. My brother-in-law is solid GOP. Never voted Dem in his life.
He's the kind that if I bring up what a mess Bush is making, he says "He's better than Clinton!" We discuss politics often. You know why he doesn't like Kerry? Because he thinks Kerry is like Ted Kennedy, who he seriously dislikes because he thinks Kennedy's liberalism is totally phony, just like Kerry's.

Kerry is a right-wng appeaser and enabler, period. He is nothing more than a low-down political opportunist who does not stand for anything. Even damn Joe Lieberman gets more respect from me, because even though I do not agree with his policies, I at least believe that he believes in them, unlike Kerry, who is just going where the political wind blows.

The set of circumstances under which I would vote for Kerry does not exist.
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