Today I will be making calls to Tennessee, but before any votes are counted, there is something I wanted to say.
If the Democrats win in November, with or without Clark as our nominee, it will be because of the hard efforts made by many people, including all of our potential candidates and all of their supporters. Bush WAS a popular President. All of us, working together (intentionally or not) have changed that.
There is something unique about Wesley Clark however, and he has already made an irreplaceable contribution toward bringing down George Bush. Listening to Bush on Meet The Press it was starkly clear that Bush will run as a War President. When Bush boasts about anything, it is about his fighting Terror. When Bush is faced with any failure of his domestic and economic policies, well that is because of the Terror, and his need to fight it. That has been Bush's script. That, and wedge issues, is his whole play book actually. Don't blame me, blame Osama Bin Ladin, and aren't we proud to be Americans?
Clark looks Bush straight in the eye, says I dedicated 34 years of my life to defending America, and then he blames Bush. Clark blames Bush for not having the country prepared to confront the threat of Osama Bin Ladin before 9/11. Clark blames Bush for not organizing the sympathy of the world into a coordinated international strategy to confront Osama Bin Ladin. Clark blames Bush for not following through and concentrating and GETTING Osama Bin Ladin. Clark blames Bush for giving Osama Bin Ladin fertile new recruiting ground throughout the Arab world by invading Iraq. Clark blames Bush for botching the Iraq invasion aftermath. Clark blames Bush for overextending and pinning down our military, and threatening the viability of our National Guard. Clark blames Bush for needlessly putting our Sons and Daughters in harm's way. Clark blames Bush for squandering 150 Billion Dollars in Iraq when we have urgent unmet Domestic needs at home. Clark blames Bush for subverting our very democratic process in an attempt to manipulate a pre conceived War agenda down the throats of the American people. Clark blames Bush for being a TERRIBLE War President, and there goes the entire rational of the Bush Presidency.
There was no one else in the Democratic Party with the clear stature and authority to so thoroughly tear Bush down as a War time President, than the former Commander of NATO; retired Four Star General Wesley Clark. There was no one else with the experience needed to speak clearly and directly to the American people and so thoroughly call George Bush's bluff. Rumsfeld has been shrunken from the swaggering Grim Reaper, to a withered pile of dust. Chaney is cowering in an undisclosed location, and Bush looked like a total idiot trying to answer Tim Russet's questions about how and why he took the United States to war. Many people contributed to this turn around, but Wes Clark was the man.
Early in this campaign season, many accused Clark of being a one trick wonder. The public Backed Bush on Iraq, he brought Turkeys to our troops, they CAUGHT Hussein for God's sake. Democrat's have to talk about the economy. Well the truth is, Democrats for the most part all agree about the economy. We will carry that issue into the Fall with whoever our nominee is. So much of what has passed as a campaign this year has actually been one long screen test, to see who could best deliver the best anti-Bush one liners about the economy. But Bush was always running as a war time President. 9/11 was Bush's teflon, and Wesley Clark shredded it. Sure, other Democrats have been highly critical of Bush over Iraq, but it usually came down to either; "Bush abused the public trust", or "I never trusted him in the first place." Clark has been the heavy hitter. Clark was the one who kept explaining exactly what should have happened instead and all the reasons why. Clark is the one who had the specific proposals for what could and should be done now. Clark had the global vision for America's security in today's world, he was the in house expert for the Democratic Party on the issues of war and peace, and Clark shredded Bush on it, relentlessly, Turkeys or no Turkeys, Hussein or no Hussein.
And now the Democrats are starting to reap the rewards, and Kerry has stepped forward to gather the bouquets. Dean sounded the alarm, Clark made the case, and Kerry is taking the credit as the experienced war veteran who can take it to George Bush.
Well there is another experienced war veteran in this race, and he already took it to George Bush. Clark stripped Bush Bare on War and Peace. He took him down for all of us, and now Bush is looking vulnerable. Thank you General Clark, your country AND your Party needed you, and one more time, you didn't let us down.