I posted this as a reply on another thread but got no response. Tell me what you think. :think: What the results so far have shown us is that each candidate (Kerry, Dean, and Edwards) are appealing for different reasons. Kerry started to gain support as the Anti-Dean because of his Military background. Dean's support comes from those wanting change in Washington and like him because he is a Washington outsider. Edward’s support comes from his modest background and that he is from the South.
We can have all of these qualities in one person in General Clark. His military and national security background is more impressive than Kerry's. He is even more of an outsider than Dean because he has not been in politics at all. Clark is just as much Southerner and from modest background as Edwards but has 34 years of service to this country and lived most of his adult life very modestly.
In addition he is arguably the brightest of the bunch and knows what it is like to order men and women into harms way.
On the issues the candidates differ very little. All support traditional Democratic values, all want a new administration in the White House. So, how do you decide? For me it comes down to two factors. Character, and who will be able to stand toe-to-toe with George W. Bush and come out the victor. In my opinion General Clark is the clear choice.
Clark is a retired four star general who served his country proudly for 34 years. He is one of this countries most dedicated soldiers. But, don’t take my word for it, see what those who know him have said.
John H. Dalton secretary of the Navy from 1993 to 1998, “I believe that Gen. Wesley Clark is uniquely qualified to revitalize our economy as well as to lead our nation back to its rightful role of world leadership in international affairs”.
Dan Christman and Chuck Larson former superintendents of the Military Academy and the Naval Academy. “In light of the character and judgment displayed by Clark, from Vietnam to The Hague, military students will study his actions for generations to come. His career models the very values that our service academies seek to instill in 21st-century leaders duty, honor, courage and commitment to country”.
If any of the other candidates get the nomination the Republican’s will try to say that Democrat’s are soft on Defense and that we should not trust them with national security. Clark vs. Bush on national defense, who do you think would win that debate? 34 years in the military vs. 1 year missing from Guard duty.
I believe that Clark is the answer. I will strongly support the party this fall but, I think we loose if it is not Clark.