I'm not backing him yet because I still hope Gore will enter the race- though I think the odds are against it. Edward's campaign is impressing me. Its message resonates; particularly his passion about poverty and justice. I think he's a bright capable individual, despite his vote for the IWR. No, I didn't like it, and yes I believe that he probably voted for it as much for political maneuvering as for any other reason, but I voted for Kerry and I believe he did much the same.
Edwards supposed lack of experience doesn't bother me. He had 6 years in the U.S. Senate. Six years in the Senate should give an intelligent and thoughtful individual enough experience to qualify. Really, would 8 be better or 10? You either learn the ins and outs of legislating within 6 years or you don't. And experience is only one piece. For me, candidates need other attributes too.
I think Edwards has an impressive ability to sell his message to all kinds of people. His appeal is much more apparent to me now then it was last time around when he struck me as rather callow and unformed. I'll keep watching and listening, and I'm not ruling out others, such as Clark and Obama, but I like what Edwards has been doing and saying.