Tomorrow could shape up to be a historic day for this country, it could be the day in which we are finally able to see a tyrant who has been set loose on our nation reigned in. It could be the day in which we are finally able to see some real progress, a day in which our nation is finally set upon the right course.
Or it could be a day of disappointment, a day in which we realize that our dreams to see a great nation step forward are dead. It could be a day in which we find out that aside from a few measly hearings we will not see any real accountability for the criminals who control the White House.
The truth is that tomorrow can only be what we the people make of it. We must demand that all people are treated equally under the law, we must demand the investigations, the impeachments, the indictments, and the incarceration of the members of this outlaw regime which has violated our rights for far too long.
We can not allow the Democrat’s to go back to their old ways of playing nice. We must demand they quit moving to the “center” and start moving towards a better America. We must demand they take a stand for peace, freedom, and equality and we must demand they make the call for justice that has been delayed for far too long.
This is the ultimate test for the Democrats. Will they go back to the Clinton days in which we saw right-wing bills like NAFTA which destroyed our jobs at home while harming the poor and killing the environment in Mexico, or will they push for workers rights and stronger environmental standards? Will they vote for a continuation to this mass murder that is happening in Iraq, or will they vote to stop the funding of this insane misadventure and work to bring about world peace? Will they vote to continue a health care industry dominated by corporate fat cats, or will they call for the single-payer universal health coverage that every other industrialized nation has?
Tomorrow could be a historic day, but it will only be historic if we the people stand up and speak out in order to ensure that the people we elected make it historic.
Tomorrow we can finally see hope, lets not sit and watch that hope die away.