Anyone hear the joke about the Home Depot CEO who did his job so badly that he was fired yesterday after having only working at the company for 2 years? Yupp ... That be Mr Nardeli; and don't ya know that to cushion the blow of being canned for poor job performance, he was given a 210 MILLION dollar severance package ... lol. Think of how many overpriced nuts and bolts you have to get screwed on to pay for that. Have to win the lottery 5 or 6 times and once is hard enough to manage. I once worked at a company that, after losing my job through no fault of my own (likely poor CEO performance there too) gave me a weeks pay for every year that I had put in at the company. So for Mr Nardeli to get 210 MILLION for 2 years service he would have to have been being paid weekly the amount of ... Oh yeah, that sounds about right. Never mind.